New breast lump

Hello everyone 

Last night whilst in the bath I discovered a lump in my right breast just above my nipple. Straight away im panicking as my cousin was diagnosed with bc just over a year ago

So this morning I called my gp and got an appointment for 11am. I was finally seen at 11.30am (the waiting was horrible as I'm so nervous!) 

The gp called me in and said that no matter what the lump felt like he was probably going to refer me to the breast clinic as they take breast lumps very seriously.  

So he examined me, I showed him where the lump was and he felt it, said it felt about 1cm in size and said it didn't feel like anything serious and could be a fibroma or something. Then as I was sat next to him he started talking on a recording thing and said he was going to refer me urgently on the 2ww to the breast clinic, he suspects fibroma as the lump it smooth but irregular borders on one side (what does that mean?)

I came out feeling happy that he didn't think it was anything serious but now its playing on my mind and I've read through several forums where people start out saying thier gp said it felt like a fibroma but ended up being bc!

I'm going on holiday in 10 days so I'm panicking that I won't get the tests before I go so ill have to wait till I get back and thats the holiday ruined, I cant cancel as children and grandma whos husband passed away 6 weeks ago are really looking forward to it. The doc did say they usually get in touch within the week so I can tell them about my holiday and try and get seen before, which I doubt will happen because I'm nothing special and there are alot of other women who don't deserve to have to wait for their appointment on my account! 

I'm sure I check my breasts quite regularly as I wash by hand so how does a 1cm lump just suddenly appear? Is that a bad sign? 

Sorry for the long post just hope someone can offer some reassurance. Thanks for reading this far! 

  • Ros 

    good you are getting refered , I had BC last year 

    unfortunately no one can say until you get the tests done as you said sometimes things that look serious turn out good and vice Verda fact is only 2 in 10 lumps turn out bad news 

    I never felt any lump and still had a diagnosis it’s crazy 

    you have done the right thing 

    Good luck 

  • I don't know if this helps but I saw my GP on a Thursday, got a call from the breast clinic on Saturday, had my appointment the following Thursday.  Do you have the NHS app?  Its quite useful if you have asked your surgery for access to all your medical records and you will be able to track your referral.

  • So sorry to hear you've had bc, did yours show up on a mammogram if you had no lump?

  • Thank you that's helpful to know how quickly you got seen! Can I ask where abouts you live? I'm East Midlands just wondering if its different in different areas? I do have the app but don't have access to my records. 

  •  I am in the West Midlands under the North Staffordshire Trust.  Tell the receptionist at the GPs that you.  I would like access to your health records via your app.  You will probably have to go in to see them. they will need to see some ID, should give you a form, tick all the boxes for every possible record, it might take a week for it all to get loaded.  I find it useful.  You can also upload your own notes/questions in the journal on the app.

  • Thats a good idea I might do that. Thank you

  • Ros 

    he’s mine did show up on mamogram xx 

    hoe are you feeling ? Have you had an appointment yet ? X 

  • Trying to not to panic, trying to keep my mind off things, I just want to retreat into my bed and stay there, but I have 2 daughters and I don't want them to know anythings wrong. No not had an appointment yet. I'm going on holiday a week on Monday I'm really hoping I get seen before then! 

    That must have been such a shock having it found through a mammogram, but atleast it was caught early. Timing is everything! How are you now? What treatment did you have? If you don't mind me asking

  • Rose of course I don’t mind you asking 

    I had lunpectomy first then 2 nd operation full node removal in left arm 30 nodes  then radiography and now take tanoxifen 

    to be honest it was no where as bad as it sounds looks it all went smooth I feel amazing nor 1 year on felt ok right through the fear is worse than the actual diagnosis xx Iove Lara xxx

  • My cousin was diagnosed just over a year ago. She had felt some lumps and left it 6 months before seeing a gp! It had spread into her lymph nodes so she had chemo and radiotherapy, then a mastectomy and is now on those drugs you mentioned plus some other drugs for 10 years I think. Do you have any problems now? I know my cousins arm swells up from where the nodes were removed bless her. And she has awful side effects from the drugs she's on, she thought about stopping taking them, but got told if she did then there's nothing else they can do for her. Cant believe she left it so long, thats why when I felt my lump I went to see my gp the next day. But also since she had her diagnosis I check quite recently and this lump just seemed to pop up overnight which is so scary!