Breast Lump - Breast Clinic Referral

Hi all, looking for a bit of advice. I'm 27 and I have a very dense and fibrous right breast which has given me a few scares over the past five years. I've been to the breast clinic twice before and thankfully it's just come back as fibrous tissue. I recently found a lump near my nipple this time and I'm just back from my GP appointment. She checked everywhere including the lump but didn't seem concerned. She said it feels like a fibroadenoma and to try and not worry but I'm being referred again for peace of mind/just to make sure. This will be my third time in 5 years so I find it all a bit triggering. Although the lump is firm, she said it's a good sign because it's moveable and it has smooth edges etc. I'm happy that she didn't seem concerned but you never 100% know. Just wondering if anyone has had a similar experience? I find it hard trusting health professionals because my health anxiety takes over and I don't want to get my hopes up. Thanks for your time x

  • How is the pain from your biopsy? Hope it starts to ease for you soon and the swelling goes down! My appointment is on Wednesday so not long to wait thankfully but I’m feeling scared. My partner is so positive, I wish I could be as well. That’s a good point actually, I never thought of that. Not sure if they’ll change me over though as I’ve been on this medication for two weeks now - might need to wait but worth having a chat to them about it. How are you doing? Hope you’re managing to keep busy 

  • So hard, even more difficult/confusing that you can’t feel it in your breast! I hope you get some answers soon. Trying to keep as busy as I can, still working but it’s just always at the back of my mind 

  • Thank you. I just worry that I might ruin the start of our marriage with all this x

  • Pain was pretty negligible, no need for any painkillers.  The worst part of the procedure was the local anaesthetic, it can sting a bit when it first goes in for a very brief time, made my toes curl but nothing really bad and I wouldn't want to go without it!  

  • Should get answers this week I hope.  I am going to phone the breast nurses tomorrow to see if the results are in, at least if I know they are even if the MDT hasn't taken place I will know to expect a phone call for an appointment very shortly.  I just need to have some timeline to refer to, I find the waiting easier to cope with that way.

  • It doesn't really hurt unless I press it or one of the kids bang it. Its turning a nice yellow colour from the bruising lol! And the little hole from core needle biopsy is healing well.

    Its so easy to be positive when it's not you going through it isn't it? My partners the same but as I've told him you won't understand unless your in my shoes. If it was him with the cancer scare I know id be saying positive things too so I don't listen to him (not saying you shouldn't!) But with how I'm feeling I'm thinking hes just saying it for the sake of saying it. 

    I'm trying to keep busy, we are setting off for Cornwall in the early hours of tomorrow morning so I keep doing bits of packing but my hearts not in it, I really don't want to go because its delaying my results. I should get them on the 14th but as I'll be away I've got to wait till the 21st so I know I'm not going to enjoy it one bit.

    Wednesday will be here before you know it I really hope you get good news from the start and don't need any investigations doing! Its the waiting that's the worst! 

    Yes I'd defo ask about anxiety meds, I was put on propranolol with my first cancer scare because I asked, I told them I wasn't coping. I came off it after a couple of days because it gave me stomach upsets but apparently that would have stopped within a week if I'd kept taking them. I knew they worked though because for those 2 days I couldn't work myself up into a panic attack! Now I'm on clonazepam for restless leg syndrome and that's also a anti anxiety tablet, it is helping but not as much as I want it too

  • Enjoy Cornwall,  you have chosen a good week, looks like the weather is going to improve substantially. Have fun with your family in one of the most beautiful parts of the UK, I may be biased as that is where I am originally from. 

  • Fingers crossed you hear back this week. Yeah, definitely give them a call to see

  • You mentioned ,”restless leg syndrome “,I had that throughout my Chemo . I bought a Magnesium spray to apply to legs ,it really helped but felt a bit sticky . I bought Magnesium tablets and they really worked too .

  • I love Cornwall its such a gorgeous place! I'm hoping the weather improves, the forecast suggests that its going to! Just hope the rain holds off whilst we put our awning up lol