Breast Lump - Breast Clinic Referral

Hi all, looking for a bit of advice. I'm 27 and I have a very dense and fibrous right breast which has given me a few scares over the past five years. I've been to the breast clinic twice before and thankfully it's just come back as fibrous tissue. I recently found a lump near my nipple this time and I'm just back from my GP appointment. She checked everywhere including the lump but didn't seem concerned. She said it feels like a fibroadenoma and to try and not worry but I'm being referred again for peace of mind/just to make sure. This will be my third time in 5 years so I find it all a bit triggering. Although the lump is firm, she said it's a good sign because it's moveable and it has smooth edges etc. I'm happy that she didn't seem concerned but you never 100% know. Just wondering if anyone has had a similar experience? I find it hard trusting health professionals because my health anxiety takes over and I don't want to get my hopes up. Thanks for your time x