Breast lump that moves

I am looking for some reassurance (again). I have posted on here several times.  Has anyone every had a moveable smooth form lump. If so what did it turn out to be? Cyst? Cancer?

I keep reading for my age (49)this is a good chance it may be a cyst as I haven’t had menopause yet.

I don’t want to be clutching at straws but I’m so anxious and want to be hopeful 

  • Hi Chelbel, yes I previously had a moveable lump on a couple of occasions which both turned out to be cysts that were solved being drained guided by ultrasound.  Actually I have many tiny cysts which are just left alone unless one becomes uncomfortable.  The fact that the lump is mobile is a good sign but of course, all lumps that you are unsure about should be checked. 

  • Thank you for answering  . It is fairly moveable and I think it might be in the same place where I had a small cyst in 2019. Does anyone know if it’s possible that cyst could have grown after 4 years and it could be the same cyst???

  •    please can I ask how big your lump was??

  • Chelbel 

    you poor thing , sounds like you are really distressed lovely .

    how are you today ? X 

  • I am just trying to hope for the brst

  • What day is your appointment? It’s awful waiting you have days when you are like this is all fine then days when you can’t help think bad news it’s normal try to think on more positive Side xx 

  • It’s Monday. I am trying to tell

    myself although bids the lump is moveable I can paractically move it several cam’s accross and feel the end of it -  and that there are more symptoms for cyst or fibrosdenoma (although I’m 49 and believe these occur in younger ladies). 
    im just praying and hoping. 

  • Chel 

    good luck for your appointment xxx 

  • Cysts and fibroadenomas can occur at any age.  I have had several cysts, when in my early 30s and the last time was 3 years ago, late 50s.  Lots of luck for tomorrow.

  • Good luck today xxx 

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