Moveable smooth breast lump

Hello I am writing in here because I am scared stiff and looking for advice or even reassurance. 
I discovered a lump in my breast. It is quite big, around 5cm I would say. Smooth, round and moveable. Im not sure if it can be described as soft but it is definitely not rock hard like a stone. It’s not jaggerdy. It in the upper inner quadrant of my breast. Just above nipple. 
im terrified it’s cancer I suppose as we all are but has anyone else had similar and was it cancer or beniegn??

I am 49yrs old and so very, very scared so hoping someone will respond.

  •  Hi Chelbel,

    A very warm welcome to our forum.

    I am sorry to hear that you have found a breast lump. Unfortunately, it is impossible to say whether this is cancerous or benign until some tests are undertaken. Have you seen your GP yet? This is the first thing to do. If you explain why you need to see him/her, you will usually be given an urgent appointment. If they feel that there is a need, they will refer you to the breast clinic. It normally takes up to 2 weeks from the date of referral, to get an appointment. It is here that they will carry out tests to determine a  diagnosis. The 3 most common tests carried out are a mammogram, an ultrasound and a biopsy. The first 2 of these can identify the lump, but it is the biopsy which determines whether or not there is cancer present. It usually takes from 1-2 weeks to get the result of the biopsy.

    Not all lumps are cancerous. Many turn out to be cysts or fibrous changes. It is a fact that only 2 people, out of every 10 who attend the breast clinic, will get a cancer diagnosis, so the odds are still good for you. Treatments for breast cancer have improved dramatically in recent years. I myself have had 2 bouts of breast cancer. I was first diagnosed 14 years ago and I still lead a busy and fulfilling life.

    Please keep in touch and let us know how you get on. We are always here for you.

    Kind regards,

    Jolamine xx

  • I have seen my gp and referred to the breast clinic. Im so frightened and keep looking at cancer statistics. I don’t want to die. 

  • Chelbel 


    sorry you have found a lump 

    lots of ladies here get good results at breast clinics lots turn out not to be cancer as I would echo what  said only 2 in 10 referal get a bad news .

    Hete go chat or help anytime love Lara xx. 

  • Hi Chelbel,

    I am glad to hear that you have seen your GP and been referred to the breast clinic. This is always a worrying time and our overactive imaginations tend to take us to all sorts of dark places. You are getting way ahead of yourself, as most of us do at this stage. Many people now live with cancer, instead of dying with it and the chances are that you will too.

    Please let us know when your appointment comes through. In the meanwhile, we are always here for you.

    Kind regards,

    Jolamine xx