Breast lump

Noticed a lump a few weeks ago. Can’t feel it standing up onky when I lie down. Went to doctor who agreed she could feel it and felt it extended towards my nipple. Examined under my arms but didn’t comment if she felt anything there or not. Asked me about family history. My mums aunt had breast cancer but not my mum or her sister. Don’t speak to my dads family so can’t comment if there is a history there. Urgent referral for Brest clinic made. I have told my partner but haven’t told anyone else. Recently over half a dozen folk I know in my age group all been diagnosed with breast cancer. Worried and anxious waiting for clinic appointment. Being a nurse doesn’t make waiting any easier. I know the process but not as a patient waiting to see a consultant. I purposely didn’t probe the doctor too much and she didn’t push it. She just said it would be an urgent cancer suspected referral

  • They are really busy and working their way through lots of urgent referrals so not giving any waiting time guarantees. The 2 week referral to appointment doesn’t exist just now. Short staffed and under pressure. Trying to concentrate on my sons exam results next week. X

  • Yeah thats a good idea, maybe plan a party or something to take your mind off it? 

    My local hospital is always busy too but they are good, I suppose I'm lucky living so close to a good hospital

  • Hi Sr,

    I'm sorry to hear that you are still waiting for your appointment. You say that your Mum's aunt had breast cancer. I am not a doctor, but understand that it is usually only first degree relatives who had cancer (mother, father, sister, brother or child) that will affect your genetic predisposition to breast cancer. 

    Here's hoping that you hear something soon.

    Kind regards,

    Jolamine xx

  • I’ll just be glad if he gets good results. He passed his prelims so hoping all will be good. 
    Our hospital is good just under pressure. Only another week and a half to wait now x

  • Hi Sr,

    I hope that your son's exam results give you all something to celebrate next week.

    Kind regards,

    Jolamine xx

  • Thank you. He’s trying to get a Saturday job too so that’s been keeping me busy helping him apply for jobs. Work been really busy too which has kept me from dwelling on things at work but also difficult to concentrate. I’m just hoping no one recognises me at the clinic. I’ll be out of uniform. Everyone looks different when they have their own clothes on. I’ll keep my head buried in a book while I’m sitting waiting. I’m going on my own and don’t want to be sitting staring at the walls. My partner working and I don’t want him asking for time off. Plus I don’t want to make a big deal about the appointment. I’ve reassured him it’s prob nothing so no point taking time off from his work. I’ve asked for a couple of hours away from work to attend my appointment. I did have a complete meltdown last night because someone left the freezer door open and all the food defrosted. I don’t think it was really about the food, prob more to do with stress and lack of sleep. Kids must have thought I was a crazy lady last night xx

  • Good luck. It often happens that people don't recognise others when they are "out of context".

  • Don't feel too bad about snapping, we've all been there, obviously they don't know why we are acting like we are. I don't know about you but I haven't told my children or anyone apart from my partner and I just want to try and keep away from everyone as much as I can because I'm the type of person who has worry written all over me. Its all the thoughts being kept in our heads and not letting them out. They build up and explode! 

  • I’ve only told my partner and my line manager as I will need a couple of hours away from work to attend an appointment. If I could have got away without telling her I would have. Kids don’t know. They are just teenagers. No point worrying anyone if I don’t have to. 
    I’m the same as you, trying to avoid people just now and hope everyone too busy to notice I’ve not text them or phoned them x

  • Mine are aged 10 and 12 and just lost thier grandad so don't need extra things to worry about. I'm the same I'm sure my friends think I'm ignorant, and I wonder if family can tell I'm being quiet. My mum dad sister etc have never had a cancer scare so they don't understand. I've had one before but my mum thought I was being stupid panicking without an actual diagnosis and my dad and partner took time off work because I literally would not leave my bedroom. So not bothering telling them this time, although this time is much more scary having had biospies ect. I'm currently not working so glad I don't have that to worry about but sounds like you have an understanding boss, that must be helpful!