Breast lump

Noticed a lump a few weeks ago. Can’t feel it standing up onky when I lie down. Went to doctor who agreed she could feel it and felt it extended towards my nipple. Examined under my arms but didn’t comment if she felt anything there or not. Asked me about family history. My mums aunt had breast cancer but not my mum or her sister. Don’t speak to my dads family so can’t comment if there is a history there. Urgent referral for Brest clinic made. I have told my partner but haven’t told anyone else. Recently over half a dozen folk I know in my age group all been diagnosed with breast cancer. Worried and anxious waiting for clinic appointment. Being a nurse doesn’t make waiting any easier. I know the process but not as a patient waiting to see a consultant. I purposely didn’t probe the doctor too much and she didn’t push it. She just said it would be an urgent cancer suspected referral