Breast lump

Noticed a lump a few weeks ago. Can’t feel it standing up onky when I lie down. Went to doctor who agreed she could feel it and felt it extended towards my nipple. Examined under my arms but didn’t comment if she felt anything there or not. Asked me about family history. My mums aunt had breast cancer but not my mum or her sister. Don’t speak to my dads family so can’t comment if there is a history there. Urgent referral for Brest clinic made. I have told my partner but haven’t told anyone else. Recently over half a dozen folk I know in my age group all been diagnosed with breast cancer. Worried and anxious waiting for clinic appointment. Being a nurse doesn’t make waiting any easier. I know the process but not as a patient waiting to see a consultant. I purposely didn’t probe the doctor too much and she didn’t push it. She just said it would be an urgent cancer suspected referral

  • I’m on the same position as you. Waiting for an appointment to x 

  • I’m usually a very practical person. Don’t stress about myself much but keep getting this niggling feeling there’s something wrong. I waited a few weeks before I went to the doctor in case it was hormonal. I had a hysterectomy 7 years ago and started HRT 2-3 years ago so don’t get periods. 
    I hope you don’t need to wait too long to be seen and get some answers. The wait is always hard for patients. 
    I try not to think about it too much but it niggles away at the back of my mind. I’m sure my partner feels the same. 
    I told him he wasn’t to worry or freak out when I told him I had a lump. I’m trying to make sure he’s not too worried. His previous partner died from a rare form of cancer and I know he’s thinking it’s going to happen again. That’s why I didn’t tell him about finding the lump. I assumed the doctor would see me and reassure me it was totally normal 

  • That can’t be easy. I hope you get seen soon and someone can put your mind at rest. I know it’s difficult though 

  • Hi sr160478,

    A very warm welcome to our forum. 

    Unfortunately, being a nurse at the receiving end of medical care is very different from one giving the care. You have done the right thing by getting this investigated.

    I am so sorry to hear that your partner has already had this journey with his previous partner and can understand why you have found it so difficult to tell him. You should get an appointment within 2 weeks from the date of referral. It is normal for most breast concerns to be referred on the urgent pathway, so don't let that concern you particularly. I know that this is an anxious wait, but only 2 people, out of every 10 referred to the clinic, will get a cancer diagnosis. Many lumps turn out to be cysts or fibrous changes.

    Please keep in touch and let us know when you get your appointment through. In the meantime, we are always here for you.

    Kind regards,

    Jolamine xx

  • Hi Ilovecoffee,

    I hope that your appointment comes through soon. How long have you been waiting?
    Kind regards,

    Jolamine xx

  • I only got referred yesterday but they said I should get a call by Tuesday. It’s just all the worry x 

  • Sr 

    sorry you are here lovely 

    I hope all turns out well for you I will only echo what our lovely jolamine has said only 2 in 10 referals vet a diagnosis ,

    what I did notice is that you are on HRT when I was diagnosed I was told if I was on HRT I would have to stop it with immediate affect as that’s what would have fed my cancer . 
    good luck love Lara xx 

  • Let us know when you hear and getting seen at your clinic appointment. 

  • Doctor didn’t mention stopping it just now. I did mention that because I was on HRT i had waited a few weeks incase it was hormonal changes but also I knew it might be an increased risk. I don’t know how you coped having to stop HRT

  • Hi Ilovecoffee,

    This is always a worrying time and our imaginations only make the worry worse. In fact, most people would admit that this is one of the worst parts of their cancer journey. It's the unknown that is so hard to cope with. Irrespective of the outcome, it is easier to cope with once you know what you are dealing with. I have replied to your other thread in more detail, which I hope you may find helpful.

    We are always here for you.

    Kind regards,

    Jolamine xx