I’m posting on here as I am absolutely beside myself with worry. 13 years ago I found a lump on my neck- can’t recall it being after an Illness , had blood tests that showed no infection. Went to the drs and they sent me for an ultrasound. I can’t remember exactly what was said only to keep an eye on it. Adding to my anxiety now is I remember a previous ultrasound on a different node and she said straight away it was benign but the last lady didn’t say that or I would have remembered. It’s always played on my mind since and I’m now kicking myself I didn’t push for further tests.
I have always checked the lump and it hadn’t changed or got any bigger so I just carried on as normal. I did mention it a few times to drs when I went for various other things but to be told it’s tiny and it’s calcified. It does not feel tiny !
I have felt well and it’s never bothered me at all until recently.
After Xmas I’d say I became more aware of it when I turned my neck or I was driving and I could feel it crunching almost. It’s always been moveable but quite hard- I’ve been feeling it a lot lately and it feels bumpy. About a month ago I had a bad sinus infection and a really bad cold and 2 more pea sized nodes came up just below my neck line - not quite near my collar bone. The right one is squishy to touch but the left is like a pea and moves around. I went to the dr who said to come back in 3 weeks - but that was 2 weeks ago and they are still there.
the dr examined me and couldn’t feel any more in my armpits and my liver and spleen weren’t enlarged. He felt my neck and asked me where the long-standing one was but didn’t really mention it - I think he might have missed it as he didn’t feel that hard for it - it’s definitely there and from what I can feel quite large ! I also thought I had some at the bottom of my neck where my collarbone is around 3 years ago but they never bothered me and I can move then around.
I have had a private consultation and am having an ultrasound scan as soon as I can book one but I am terrified. I never had a follow up appointment from my ultrasound and have been dismissed ever since by drs - I am scared that they have missed something and now whatever it is has spread and it’s too late to do anything as I’ve had it for so long. I have a 4 year old daughter and all I can think is I’m going to leave her and it’s heartbreaking. I can’t eat or sleep and it’s all consuming me. I don’t even know how I’m going to go for the scan as I can only think they are going to tell me the worst !
Just wondering if anyone has been in a similar position as I’m worrying myself sick over this