Hard, large lymphnode


I'm a 27 f and in March 23 noticed a swollen lymph node. It's still there 4months later.

It's quite big maybe 3cm, on the left side of my neck.

It's hard and immobile.

And I am terrified.

I went to the Dr yday and they didn't seem to worried and referred me for a non urgent ultrasound.

The anxiety is too much for me so I've booked in privately for an ultrasound next week.

I have no symptoms but just to top of the anxiety I'm 5 weeks pregnant.

I'm so scared and I've absolutely convinced myself it's something g terrible.

Anyone else in or been in the same situation?

  • And I’m sorry about your mum and grandmother that must have been so tough on you especially when you was pregnant. And your right we can’t let this anxiety take over us and just enjoy our children and lives and cross that path when it comes xxx 

  • Yeah it put me in my place haha ! 

    I also had a traumatic birth - I had sepsis twice and at one point I thought I was going to die - luckily they were straight on it and gave me the dettol of antibiotics which saved my life. I don’t think i have ever really had chance to absorb what happened as I couldn’t even think about me as I had a new baby who needed me ! 
    I wonder if these experiences add to the anxiety about situations like ours when lots of people would be able to be rational and not think worst case- but when you’ve been through something traumatic it’s really hard isn’t it. 
    I also had strep not long after my daughter being born and that was horrific ! Yes I had counselling over the phone and didn’t really find it useful - face to face is much better bloody covid ! 
    Strep is bacterial isn’t it so that would explain a lot and is a cause of swollen lymph nodes ! And the MRI will give a better indication of soft tissue so if there is an underlying problem with your tonsils they can have a better idea of the imflamation and maybe whip them out ! I had mine out many monks ago when that’s what they did ! And don’t think a phone call is bad news - my mums consultant would always ring with good news xx

  • Thank you - it wasn’t great ! It’s hard though isn’t it when the guilt takes over. I was explaining to my husband earlier telling someone with anxiety not to worry is like telling someone with depression to cheer up - it doesn’t help at all xx

  • Oh wow you had a traumatic birth too, I do believe it plays a huge part prior to my son  being born I never had any health anxiety to the extent that I have today. When my son was born I had emergency c section I was in hospital for 10 days he was in intensive care and I had trouble bringing my blood pressure down I had fluid in my lungs where I couldn’t breath doctors thought I was having a heart attack or developed a blood clot and at the time I had mri scans ECG CTscans and not once did I think or feel I had anything serious I was just going along with all these scans and tests. It wasn’t until they a doctor on shift told me actually you have a blood clot that traveled from your legs to your lungs  and you need to inject yourself for 6months I thought hold on this is serious. Then they would change shifts next doctor would tell me he wants more tests done on me anyways this went on 2 days until the final doctor on shift told me “darling we have exhausted every investigation there is go home you need to rest” I think I had a panic attack  was never told why I couldn’t breath and was on oxygen for 2 days but like the anxiety then was never this heightened and I was going through serious symptoms then I guess I couldn’t dwell on the ifs and what’s because my son was in intensive like you new baby can’t think of anything else apart from baby. Although the surgeons comment as he was stitching me up didn’t help told me if I was any second later basically my son would have died and I would have gone into a seziure and died to, it was only by chance I went to triage. 

    but I think your right during the traumatic births we didn’t really have any time to really think about ourselves so we just go on with it for the sake of our newborns. And now as we get older and these health scares arise and we have time to dwell on it it gets out of control and we get obsessive over every little tingle especially  around the area that we are having problems with. Well fingers crossed for all of usssss and I will keep you all posted about what happens next xxxx got the school run tomorrow better fall asleep well try to xxx

  • Ahh yeah my labour was horrific to. I also got sepsis. And tbh since my daughters been born my health anxiety has sky rocketed so it makes sense.

    Sorry to hear you've both gone through so much!

    Absolutely dreading tomorrow. I've never been so scared.

  • We’re all in the same boat, deffo blaming the births of our children for all this hahah. Is it just an ultrasound your having your going to be fine and you don’t have to worry about waiting for results they willt tell you then which is perfect case honestly the waiting is dreadful. 

    I chased mine up today and  my mri results are back his secretary didn’t give much but assured me if it was serious they would bring forward my appointment that I have scheduled that was made before the MRI so I’m a little better today running with that thought and she repeatedly told me it’s fine but will see till a long long away 27th July x 

  • Oh that's brilliant news Sweet. Very reassuring (even if it isn't fully confirmed it must put you to ease a bit)

    But yeah the waiting is dreadful you're right xx

  • Good luck with your ultrasound today let us know how you get on 

  • Thinking Olof you today xxx

  • Thank you both so much. I'm absolutely relieved to say he said its just a normal lymphnode that is close to the skin surface because it on my carotid artery.

    He said there's nothing abnormal that he can see!xx