Transvaginal scan as a virgin?

Hi all,

I've be referred for an ultrasound following prolonged bleeding and also bleeding between periods. I had the scan letter this week which has said they will do an abdominal ultrasound and then in many cases they also do a transvaginal ultrasound. In the leaflet it says they wouldn't perform this on someone who has not had sexual intercourse.

I am in that situation having never had sex - does this mean that I won't get all the details on the scan that is needed? Surely if the abdominal scan was enough they wouldn't do a transvaginal scan on people?! 

Does anyone have a similar situation/advice? Is it possible to have the scan still? Or is there an alternative I need?

Thank you! 

  • Hi 23Harperlove - I'm so glad you have had some positive results so far. It sounds really reassuring they couldn't see anything obvious on the ultrastand that your smear was ok. 

    In answer to your question, I had some bad cramping for a week or so before I started bleeding again (which is unusual for me) but not diarrhoea. 

    I'm still bleeding (now 27 of the last 29 days!) But is lighter now. 

    Hoping for my blood results kn the next day or so. X

  • Hoping for some good news for you. I still have diarrhoea. Have been to the Doctors again today, been examined, had some more samples taken and have to do a poo sample. Family are trying to keep me positive, I’m still going to work at the moment - not sure how but main bosses know I’m unwell. Each day is bringing a fresh worry but hopefully I am somewhat nearer to finding out what wrong with me and in that sense feel a little stronger than I did a couple of weeks back. Wishing you all the best, sending happy and healthy thoughts your way. xx

  • Hi Harpergirl, just wondering how you are doing?

    I had my results a couple of days ago - I have a cyst on/near my right ovary. I am being referred on a 2ww referral to get it looked at to rule out ovarian cancer. Xx

  • Hello, I was wondering about you yesterday how strange! Oh wow so they’ve found a cyst, I hope you don’t have long to wait for referral bless you. Hoping for the best outcome and I hope you are feeling ok and have strong support around you. I’m ok, the doctor says they feel confident to rule out a female cancer for me although I still have unusual discharge so I’m still worried inside. However the diarrhoea is continuing so two more samples to do what have to wait until my period finishes as that can give a false positive. I’ve lost quite a bit of weight which is really unusual for me but I’d had a small gain as my last gp app but that was a little bit of positive news. Feeling less scared now but still not much nearer to knowing what’s going on with my body. Did I tell you that something flagged up with my thyroid so I’m still waiting for an endocrine team to clarify with the gp what they would like to happen medication wise with that going forward (that could be the dowse of the weight loss) Sending love xxx

  • I'm really pleased to hear that they have ruled a few things out for you, that sounds positive. Hopefully the endocrine team can give you some answers soon. I'm feeling ok - a bit worried obviously but hoping for the best. xx

  • It’s really hard isn’t it :( People have commented on my noticeable weight loss, obviously it’s unintentional so I never know how to react. Just trying to get through the days, it’s good to rule things out but also it doesn’t help when you aren’t getting any answers and you really don’t feel well. I am here if you are feeling worried or overwhelmed at any point, it’s really helped me to talk it through so thank you xx

  • Hi Harperlove, how are you doing?

    I had my appointment today - wasn't really the news I was hoping for. The cyst on my ovary is 14cm! The Dr said it had some concerning features so am booked in for an MRI to look at it in more detail and to clarify whether it is benign or malignant. He did say though that despite the features he wasn't overly concerned. Either way it will have to be removed, but how/when will depend on the findings xx

  • I’m so sorry to hear this, my situation is still very much the same. The last doctor I spoke to is convinced my symptoms are thyroid related although they aren’t sure still so  waiting for an endocrine team to say if I need an ultrasound or further investigations. Not getting very far but managing the worry in my head more now. I  hopeful for good news for you, keep me updated. Sending love and strength xxx

  • Hi lovely, 

    I hope you hear from the endocrine team soon - hopefully they can sort things out for you.

    I had a text today for an oncology appointment!!! It said it was a reminder, but I haven't actually been given it in the first place so guessing a letter will follow. Obviously am stressing out a bit but trying not to get too ahead of myself until I know what's what.