Anaemia and positive fit test, I'm so scared.


Right now I'm a blubbering wreck.

I'm 43 years old and been told I have anaemia and that they have found blood in my poo, I have had IBS for years but I'm constantly bloated and full of gas and I also get moderate abdominal pain. I'm so scared I have bowel cancer, I can't sleep at night, I'm having a colonoscopy tomorrow and I'm that scared to go, I'm scared I will just not turn up. I'm a single mum and in the last few years have just found my feet, I feel like life's just not been fair. I had an endoscopy into my stomach to which they found moderate gastritis to which I was given omeprazole for 6 weeks. Can anyone on here give me a better outcome than cancer??????

  • I had a positive fit test of over 400 and mucas in poo. 

    had my colonoscopy on Tuesday I have three internal piles no biopsies taken either I was extremely worried lost a stone in two weeks as I couldn't eat at all with worry 

  • Hi twinmum88,

    Thank you for you response. I bet your so relieved with the outcome. My fit test was 4.8 but I don't understand all that, I just heard the C word and have been in constant panic mode, did you have sedation? X

  • Yes I had the sedation it was absolutely fine I would do it once a year to make sure all is ok! Hope you get good results I was in an awful state and I still am it is a very scary time be kind to yourself and don't Google x

  • Aww, yes the anxiety is the worst. Thank you for your kind words xx

  • I thought 4.8 meant the result was negative? I think anything under 10 means the odds of bowel cancer are low.

    And at 43, I don't think bowel cancer is really a very likely outcome anyway. I am a few months younger than you, but two years ago, I had rectal bleeding, some weight loss, occasional loose stools (like once or twice a week) and trapped wind and the consultant told me that at my age, I would be "the unluckiest person in the world" if it turned out to be cancer.

    Best of luck tomorrow and I hope it turns out to be something really minor. The odds are very much that it will.

  • Hi MargaretMary,

    I thought the same as you, anything under 10 was negative but apparently it is anything over 4 if you have low iron or anaemia.

    What was your outcome if you dont mind me asking?

    Thank you, I'm really hoping for a better outcome than what my thoughts are telling me.

  • Hi,

    I just wondered how your colonoscopy went and if you had your results at all?

    I took a home FOB test last week, went to GP and she did bloods and told me to do a FIT test. I have to go back tomorrow for the results and I’m panicking. Any advice would be greatly appreciated x