Health Anxiety cervical cancer

Hi everybody

I wonder wether it is ok to tell you what is going on/get some advice. 
I have been suffering from serious health anxiety since about Jan22 which stems from a really bad allergic reaction which pretty much made my sinuses dry up for about 4 months.
Before that I had no health issues at all. 
Back in Sep 22 I woke up with really bad side and back pain unlike anything I have had before. I am very active so put it down to a pulled muscle. It didn't get better and I ended up at the doctors and went through so many tests to find out what it was.  I have had antibiotics for a possible kidney infection, CT with contrast, endoscopy as I started to feel really sick and get acid, CA125 test, MRI neck, head and mid body, 2 ultrasounds and a pelvic ultrasound.  During this they found lots of incidentals on my pancreas /liver and basically scared the life out of me by telling me they had 'found' things and keeping me waiting for weeks for results.  They ended up saying it was muscular and I paid for physiotherapy and mostly the pain went away (hip impingement and some siactic nerve inflammation apparently) 
It really affected me and I found I couldn't cope with even minor things, I started getting night sweats, chills, loss of appetite and weight loss.
My latest smear was clear but the nurse saw a 'protusion' from my cervix and and to be honest it sent me into meltdown again.  I got it rechecked yesterday after a few months of not being able to cope and the doctor saw the same but seemed to think it was probably scar tissue from a LEEP I had years ago.  She didn't seem worried as she said the tissue looked normal and that these procedure can weaken the muscle.   I had an extreme reaction and she's put me on antidepressants to try and help me cope with this horrible anxiety that I have developed.  However, I am terrified that I have some kind of cervical cancer that they have missed and that this is what is causing my hip and leg pain.  Trying to be rational as I don't get any bleeding only white discharge which I think I have always had. I can't stop that absolute panic kicking in though - I know I sound insane but it's been such a scary year for me .  That LEEP was years ago so I am

wonder why now ? Why did none of the other scans pick this up ? It just seems like a lot of coincidence for all this to happen to one person in one year. 


  • Welcome to Cancer Chat, Piggle.

    I'm sorry to hear about your situation. It's understandable that you have concerns and anxiety regarding your health.

    I hope others here with similar symptoms will come along shortly to share their stories with you and offer advice but until then it's important to remember that anxiety can often amplify our worries and make us imagine worst-case scenarios. It's natural to have concerns, but try to keep in mind that medical professionals have conducted several tests and reassured you that the tissue appears normal. Trusting their expertise is crucial.

    Regarding the other scans and tests you've had, it's important to remember that medical investigations are designed to identify specific conditions or issues. They may not always detect every possible abnormality or correlate with your current symptoms. Doctors rely on a combination of clinical judgment, tests, and observations to make a diagnosis.

    Lastly, try to take care of your overall well-being during this time. Engaging in activities you enjoy, practicing self-care, and maintaining a healthy lifestyle can contribute to a more positive mindset. Remember, you are not alone, and seeking support from healthcare professionals and loved ones can make a significant difference.

    Take care of yourself, and I wish you the best in finding relief and peace of mind.

    All the best,

    Renata, Cancer Chat Moderator