Hi everyone,
I'm currently feeling anxious about my situation.
I had three large ovarian dermoid cysts removed 2 years ago. They were discovered during an emergency C section and removed immediately after my baby was delivered. They were 7 and 8cms and I had 2 on the left ovary and one on the right. I didn't know I had these cysts until then, however I know for sure that I didn't have them before I was pregnant, because I had IVF treatment which involved much scrutiny and detailed scans of my ovaries, leading to egg collection from individual follicles. This means my dermoid cysts must have grown from nothing to 7 and 8cms over the course of 9 months. The cysts were biopsied and were benign.
Recently I have been experiencing abdominal pain and bleeding mid cycle, so my GP referred me for ultrasound/transvaginal scans. It turns out I now have a 3cm mass on the left side and an unconfirmed mass on the other. (Unconfirmed because they struggled to get a clear image of the right due to gas around the ovary). They said it was possibly a large follicle but couldn't be sure and I will require an MRI). The 3cm cyst was described as a likely to be a dermoid cyst again. Next week I am to have blood tests to check my CA125 levels which will determine how much of a priority I am in terms of treatment options.
I am feeling anxious because I previously understood that following surgery, dermoids were unlikely to return. I also know the usual growth rate of a dermoid is very slow (under 2mms per year). Last time these grew very quickly and I'm worried this is happening again. Could the fast growth be an indication of something more sinister?
Has anyone else had a similar experience? Was this linked to a cancer diagnosis? Or if not, were you advised to have your ovaries removed as a preventative measure?
I am worrying and catastrophising about this. I'm 40 years old.