Bleeding Nipple


In Feb I noticed a lot of constant blood in my bras and on bed clothes, nurse didn't seem concerned at 2 week check but after 6 weeks the consultant saw the blood leaking and sent me for duct excision.

My head was totally gone as I fully expected him to brush me off, supposed to have my results last Friday but they moved me to this Wednesday and keeping busy isn't stopping me worrying.

I have 2 young boys and I'm not ready for this, I need to be happy around them. 

Apart from pains I've had no other symptoms, I'm only 38 

Anyone else had the same? What was your outcome? Or anyone else waiting for results this week?

  • Hi TinkB85,

    Welcome to Cancer Chat. I'm sorry you haven't received a reply up to now. I can see that your appointment is tomorrow so just wanted to say hope it all goes OK. I'm sure you'll get all the information you need, and it will of course be an opportunity to ask any questions you have.

    In the meantime if others here have similar experience then hopefully they'll be along soon and you'll get some more replies.

    Wishing you all the best,

    Cancer Chat Moderator

  • Hi tink

    how are you? It’s been 2 years I’d be interested in the outcome you had? I’m awaiting my 2 week referral and frightened. 

  • Hello there... I had the same symptom more than 10 years ago -bloody discharge from the nipple. Totally terrified was referred to breast clinic and they found papilloma -bening growth in the canal, which they removed one month later.

    Hopefully it will work out for you too.

    Ps: waiting times were much shorter then... It is very frustrating at the moment 


  • Oh thank you so much for replying to this  I really appreciate it. I’m hoping this is my outcome. The worry is like nothing I’ve ever experienced. Xx

  • I totally understand -in the waiting game myself now... Studied every medical article on Google while waiting for the doctor appointment... I wish it didn't take so long

  • I’m sorry to hear this are you waiting for another appointment now? Totally with you on the waiting game. I’ve booked private too as the wait is too much. If my nhs one comes through first I’ll take it!

  • I tried to go private too but not possible in my case. I had cancer a few years ago and have to go through my GP -different cancer, not related to the issue like you have ...

    Fingers crossed all goes well for you... In any case it will be caught early because you have symptoms and address them. Xx

  • Hi  

    How are you? Any news on your app? I’ve had my appointment she saw nothing of concern on the ultrasound and I’m going back in 4 weeks. She wasn’t going to offer a mammogram as looking at the ultrasound she said I didn’t have much tissue to see (implants under muscle) assuming she means she’d of spotted something? How did they find your papilloma? 

    I’ve did had a mammogram to try and ease my mind. Waiting that result. Still extremely anxious xx

  • Hello there! It is great they didn't see anything big and nasty  so that's the start...

    I didn't have much tissue either and mammogram was useless (implants over muscle lol) so they did ultrasound and there it was - round simple thingie, looking like a circle. It didn't look sinister to me.

    It is good they did mammogram on you though... Mammogram picked on cancer in my mother in law at very early stages, and on my friend too (who had the same symptom as you, but please do not freak out). Hers was so tiny -literally a few millimeters and because it was in the milk channel which is tiny too, it cased little bleeding. So basically this symptom saved her bacon. They just removed the dodgy bit and she didn't have anything else done.

    Now let's hope and pray you don't hear from them in next 3-4 days... Somehow if the news is bad thats what it takes... Checked on my skin

    My appointment is on 24th, so still got to wait


  • Hi lovely 

    is that 24th Dec? Hopefully whizzes round although can feel like an absolute lifetime!! 

    I’m thrilled your friend is ok. Amazing they caught it so early. How is she? Was that long ago?

    I’ve called and my mammogram is clear. Awaiting the formal letter. I’ll be going back in 6 weeks to check on how things are. Xx