Fit test results high - urgent referral no cancer .

About five weeks ago I did a Qfit test and it came back positive for blood in my stool my fit test score was 28 which isn't very high but my GP referred me urgently and I was booked in for a colonoscopy.
I was given the pill cam which came back with clear pictures of Diverticulosis Disease quite a lot of it .  But no bowel cancer no polyps. I  was convinced I had colon cancer because with Diverticulosis the symptoms can be very similar has do a lot of other conditions of the colon etc and one of the symptoms is blood in the stool .
I wanted to post this to the forum for those who have had  a positive fit test result  and other symptoms that fit the symptoms of colon cancer and you are worried sick like I was. 
the prosses can be very frightening and the wait for results can be an overwhelming emotional experience the doctors can be very keen on getting you in for a colonoscopy and get the ball rolling very quickly which is understandable to get a diagnosis especially on a 2 weekly wait for an emergency colonoscopy etc .
it is easier said then done I know but Please try not to panic like I did, if this happens it doesn't mean you have colon cancer having blood in your stool. you can have lots of more none cancerous problems like diverticulosis, piles, and other none life threatening diseases the list is endless.  I was appsolutly convinced I had cancer and when I had the tests done and it came back negative for cancer I nearly collapsed .  I hope this helps someone who is in the same situation that I was in its very scary and the wait for results can be very frightening and frustrating and it can effect your mental wellbeing but remember colon cancer is on a very long list of other conditions that a positive fit result can pick up . My heart goes out to you  I understand how you feel .

all I did was Google Google Google and I frightened myself sick . I prayed a lot and doing this brought me comfort and peace. 

  • Hello Leo333, 

    Thank you for taking the trouble to come here and share your story. As you said, googling too much only gives you googlitis which is a condition where we worry ourselves sick and anticipate the worst often with no good reason! 

    I am so glad cancer was ruled out in your case - and as you rightly pointed out there are so many conditions that can trigger a positive Fit test result.

    Reading your story will I am sure help so many members of our community who are currently anxiously waiting for tests or colonoscopy results. 

    Best wishes, 

    Lucie, Cancer Chat Moderator