High calprotectin level and high FIT test


I've had IBS for many years. Have a day where I can't go out, tummy sore the next day but then could go weeks/months without it.

Had a calprotectin level of 800 2 years ago, colonoscopy didn't show anything.

since beginning of April I've had a flare up that lasted 4 weeks. Went to GP, had blood tests/stool test. Blood test showed inflammation markers of 180. Went to ED a few days later and they had come down to 80 (still high apparently).

Had a phone call from doctors today. Needed to see me urgently. My calprotectin levels were just below 5000 (should be below 50) & my FIT test came back at 200+ (should be 0-9)

Being referred on urgent referral for another colonoscopy

Anyone had similar?

  • Hello Shell72, 

    Poor you - it must have been a stressful phone call and I am sorry that you have now been referred for another colonoscopy. It's reassuring though that your colonoscopy two years ago didn't flag anything but it's good that they are being thorough and are trying to identify what may have caused these raised calprotectin levels. Try not to worry too much though if you can as there are so many conditions other than cancer which may have contributed to raising these levels. It's good though that you are having all the necessary investigations and it won't be long now I am sure until you find out more. Waiting for tests and results is really hard and there are helpful tips on this page to help you cope while waiting for important news. Stay well away if you can from the temptation of looking anything up on Google as this will only make you more anxious and will not give you any definite answers. 

    I hope that you will hear from other members of our community who have been through a similar experience and that they will be along shortly to share their story with you. 

    Best wishes, 

    Lucie, Cancer Chat Moderator

    Best wishes, 

    Lucie, Cancer Chat Moderator


  • Hi 

    I am very worried, been tested 300

    Did you had it checked?
