Hi everyone
I was wondering if anyone had any experience of wait times for a CT scan in NHS Scotland, particularly Glasgow. My dad has been a heavy smoker for just shy of 50 years, they've since discovered a "shadow" on his lung alongside very high white blood cell markers and dangerously low sodium to the point the GP prepared us for "coma or death". My dad has been confused and has described states of delirium. He also is very breathless, lost weight, exhausted and has a nasty continuous cough. An urgent referral has been made for a CT Scan by GP, radiographer and the initial assessment unit. This all happened on Friday, and we are waiting for word from the specialists. I was wondering what experience anyone had of the waiting times are like because being stuck in limbo with every possible scenario going around our heads is knackering. I really would appreciate any kind of time scale you experienced for yourself or your loved one. Sending everyone peace, love and solidarity