5 week wait to discuss abnormal transvaginal ultrasound scan


I wonder if anyone has any advice, it takes weeks and weeks just to be able to talk with a doctor.

I have been having lots of pelvic and vaginal/cervical pain since January. I had an internal examination by my GP nothing found except red, 'friable' vaginal lining so I was prescribed extra topical oestrogen which didn't help. My GP then arranged an abdominal and transvaginal ultrasound in April and the GP receptionist contacted me the next day to arrange a telephone consultation to discuss the result but this will be in 5 weeks. I looked at my online records and a report had been posted. It said that I have an anteverted uterus with a heterogeneous echotexture. 2 focal fibroids are noted, the largest within the posterior myometrium measuring 9 mm. The right ovary was not positively identified however no Adnexal pathology seen.

I am feeling worried and low. 5 weeks is a long time to wait to speak to my GP and the constant pain is horrible although I believe that 9 mms is very small. I also have bloated abdomen, urinary urgency, constipation.

I had an ultrasound and hysteroscopy 2 years ago for cervical stenosis and fluid in my uterus, no mention of fibroids then. I was put on topical oestrogen at that point which seemed to help until recently. I have stopped using this because I read that oestrogen can encourage fibroid formation but this is my decision, I haven't been able to talk to a doctor about it.

How do they know it's benign fibroids rather than malignancy? I had blood tests and faecal samples taken last time (2 years ago) but not this time. Should I request that these be done again? Should I request a referral to a gynaecologist? Will I be left in this awful pain because the fibroids are small?

  • Hi

    I was in a similar position a few weeks ago and the waiting was too much so I phoned my surgery on the day and booked an emergency appointment, and now I'm on a 2ww to gynae. 

    Does your surgery offer on the day appointments? Either normal released on the day or emergency, as you are also in pain I think an emergency appointment is justified as well.

    Good luck.

  • Many thanks for your reply. My GP surgery has some first come first served emergency appointments if patients telephone at 8 am.


    Your reply gives me the confidence to try this after the bank holiday and I will also ask the receptionist if the doctor will make a gynae referral before our telephone consultation. I know that I will still have to wait ages but even a couple of weeks less is important when in pain.

    Thank you so much and I hope that you're receiving good and timely treatment.

    Best Wishes.


  • Hi when I was told that there were no appointments l asked the receptionist to send a message to the doctor for me. He rang me 20 minutes later. I just didn't take no for an answer . 
    l hope you have your results soon


  • Thanks, Susie. It's so good to hear what others have done, I will politely give it a go on Tuesday and see what happens. 

    Regards, DG