Urgent dermatology appointment

Hi everyone,

I saw my GP regarding a change in my mole and have been urgently referred to a dermatologist at the hospital. My appointment is on the 30th April. 

I have no idea what to expect at my appointment and I really am trying not to worry. Can anyone explain what may happen at the appointment? Will all of my moles be checked? Will I get an answer then/there? I am totally clueless. 

Thank you for any responses,

K x

  • Hello newtothis2023

    I'm sorry to hear that you're currently waiting for an appointment with the dermatologist regarding a suspicious mole. It's understandable that you're feeling anxious. 

    We know that for many people this period of waiting and uncertainty can be difficult. Often it can help to chat things through with someone and if this is something you'd like to do then I'd suggest giving our team of nurses a call on 0808 800 4040, Monday to Friday 9 am to 5 pm. 

    You might also like to have a look at this thread posted by [@DrunkOrange]‍ who is also in a similar situation to you at the moment. It may be that the two of you are able to chat and support each other through your experiences. 

    Hopefully the specialist will be able to give you some reassurance when you see them but keep in touch and let us know how you get on. 

    Best wishes, 
    Cancer Chat moderator 

  • Hi I've got my first appt with the dermatologist on Thursday after seeing the medical photographer last Thursday - my GP sent a photo of my mole to dermatology for a second opinion, who 3 weeks later requested further images from medical illustration.

    A week after getting my photographs, dermatology have arranged a face-to-face appointment since they must have been concerned enough by the images to want to see me, but like yourself I have no idea what to expect from this, whether removal will take place (despite not being told anything about it) or if we will arrange for it to be removed at a later date. Since I still am yet to see a specialist I don't know whether it's cancerous or how concerning it actually is, So my anxiety is super high waiting for the appointment now as I feel really in the dark 

    I'll report back to you once I've been in but, from what I've heard, you will only get a diagnosis once a biopsy through removal of the mole has taken place. And I also believe the dermatologist will check other moles too if you want them to. 

    wishing you the best xx

  • Hi,

    Your mole will be checked using a dermascope which will show if there are any changes in the cell structure. The dermatologist will then decide if your mole needs removing for a biopsy. This is usually done at a later date under local anaesthetic as a day surgery patient.

    75% of patients referred to dermatology are given a clean bill of health so there is a good chance your mole is fine. Good luck and please let us know how you get on,

    Angie (Stage 3 melanoma patient since 2009)

  • Hi! Thank you for your reply. Sorry you're in a similar circumstance. 

    Personally I visited the GP who took a photos, this was sent to the dermatologist and then I received notification of my face to face appointment with the dermatologist on the 30th, so I also really have no idea what to expect at all. 

    I also haven't been told if a removal will take place then and there or at a later date, so I'm also very nervous about that. I'm terrible with anything like that. All I know is my appointment time/date. 

    All the best for your appointment, hopefully everything goes well for you! Take care in the meantime xx

  • Hi Angie,

    Thank you for explaining, I appreciate it. I feel a little less in the dark now with what to expect! That has calmed my nerves. 

    I will post an update after my appointment should anyone else stumble across this post and wonder what happened. 

    K xx 

  • Hi, I just thought I would add my experience to the mix. I'd had a mole on my upper arm for decades, it was checked in 2012 and I was told it didn't look abnormal. During 2021-22 I thought it felt more raised but I put off getting it checked for one reason or another. Then on 30 June I found a lump in my breast so I went to see my GP the next day about that, but also asked her to look at the mole. She referred me for both on the 2WW pathway. I saw a dermatologist on 19 July, he asked if there were any other moles that I was concerned about, and he checked my back. He said the mole on my arm and one on my lower back showed signs of precancerous changes and he recommended I have them removed. I was sent an appointment for 16 August. In the meantime I'd attended the breast clinic and was told it was highly likely I had breast cancer. I was due to attend to get my results on 9 August. I wanted to get the moles sorted before going back to the breast unit and possibly starting treatment immediately, so I called the dermatology department and they brought my appointment forward 7 August. The moles were excised with a 2mm margin and I was told they would be analysed to exclude malignant melanoma. About six weeks later (after I'd started chemo) I got a letter to say the results had come back benign. I do hope your appointment goes well and that you get good news. Best wishes, Amy x

  • Hi Amy,

    Thank you so much for sharing your experience. I feel a little less anxious now. I'm glad that you got a positive outcome about your moles, and so sorry to hear about the breast cancer diagnosis. 

    I truly hope you are doing well. 

    All the best, K xx




  • Thank you, K. Yes, I am doing well, thanks. I am now cancer-free! Amy x

  • Oh that's great news, I am so happy to hear that! Hope you have a great week. K xx

  • Hi hope you're doing well! I had my appointment this afternoon and it was nowhere near as scary as I thought. I'm having the mole removed in a few weeks for peace of mind - obviously I can't say what the result will be yet but glad to be getting shot of it. 

    I'd guess you won't be having it removed at the appointment but probably just having the dermatologist confirm that it does warrant removing and then getting a date in the diary. I also asked the doctor to have a look at some other moles on my body and she was happy to have a look. 

    I was terrified for the appointment because of the uncertainty but honestly I feel so relieved now so I'm sure yours will go the same way :) let us know how it goes xx