One swollen left tonsil and on going pain 6 months.

Hi. I'm 27 years old and have been suffering with left side throat pain since November 2022, this is the worst pain I have ever felt before and is nothing like a normal sore throat. Looking in my mouth my left tonsil is very big and my other one you can hardly see.  I went to the doctors and was prescribed 2 different antibiotics which didn't do anything so I was referred to see an ENT to have a camera through the nose however this was not able to be done as it hurt. So they sent me for an urgent MRI scan which showed no evidence of malignancy which I was so happy about. I have now been given the choice to have my tonsils removed but there's a 50 50 chance it won't get rid of my pain and I could be going through the operation for no reason or it could completely cure me. I'm still in so much pain it hurts to talk, eat, drink and I have bad neck stiffness and ear pain that is very uncomfortable. I'm very worried and have been stressed and worried and very anxious for 6 months now I've had enough and I'm still very worried its something serious it also hurts to touch under my chin and left side if neck. I'm so frightened that its something serious. Has anyone had anything like this before? Ot something similar i need so help and dont know what to do anymore I feel hopless and im wasting all my time being upset and worrying.


  • Hello Niki.fgh

    I'm sorry to hear that you've been dealing with some ongoing pain and health concerns over the past few months.

    It's good to know that the tests you've had haven't given any immediate cause for concern but obviously, this doesn't resolve the pain and with the uncertainty surrounding the tonsillectomy, it's understandable that you're feeling so anxious. 

    I'm unsure from your post if you've decided to go ahead and have the surgery or not. If you have, do you know how long you may be waiting? Either way, I think that it may be helpful to chat with your GP about how anxious you're feeling. This level of continued anxiety certainly won't be helping your pain levels so do give them a call when you can. 

    I do hope that things settle and improve for you soon. 

    Best wishes, 
    Cancer Chat moderator 

  • Hi thankyou for your reply I appreciate that. Sorry what do you mean how long will I have to wait? And yes I think I'm going to speak to them I can't  carry in with this so thankyou.

  • Ohh do you mean the operation. I think I've decided to have it done. I was told by the ENT thats they will operate within 4 weeks after I phone them with my decision. I'm also very scared of the risks too