So my story started at the breast clinic where I was referred for a thickened area in my left breast. Female Age 36, at the time fit and well with no illness. Breast consultant recognised thickening but wasn't concerned and thought fibrous tissue. She did note a palpable lymph node under my arm that I hadn't noticed. Due to age they did an ultrasound and the node was noted to be abnormal with cortical thickening of 2.8mm. They checked right side for comparison and that also had a thickened node of 3mm. They said it could be due to infection I don't know about and to come back in 6 weeks and they both should of gone down.
Now 6 weeks on I've had another ultrasound and the left node has increased to 3.9mm they indicated upper limit they use as reference is 3mm. The right has stayed the same. In the 6 weeks I have started to feel unwell. Really tired napping and feel exhausted several incidents of night sweats 3 times a week on average and incidents during the day too of hot flushes. I have also developed lower to mid back pain which is constant.
They decided to biopsy the left node (ultrasound core needle). Procedure was OK but then developed an infection and have felt horrendous since ...shooting pains and burning pain in armpit and down into elbow. I am on antibiotics but generally feel like rubbish...stress of waiting is probably weighing on me too. Has anyone had cortical thickening in these ranges and it been just reactive ? Looking for reassurance this is something else !