hard lump protruding from sternum

Hi im a 17 year old and recently noticed that I have a hard protruding area coming off of my sternum into my right breast that isn't there on my left one. I have pretty bad health anxiety and this is freaking me out. I have seen other posts saying this is most likely a protruding bone and not anything to worry about. I do have a lot of more prominent bones on my right side including a rib that seems to stick out but I am still worried about it.

  • Hello purplesongbird20

    I'm sorry to hear that you're struggling with health anxiety at the moment and that you're particularly worried about a hard area that you have on your chest. 

    The likelihood is that it won't be anything sinister but it would be sensible to make an appointment to speak with your GP not only about this lump but about your anxiety as well. They will be best placed to reassure you and support you with better managing your mental health. 

    In the meantime you might find it helpful to look at this information on the NHS website about health anxiety. 

    I do hope things improve for you soon. 

    Best wishes, 
    Cancer Chat moderator