Lump/ swelling back of thigh

Hi, hoping for some reassurance. I've got a lump/ swelling on the back of my right thigh, at the top. It feels about 4cms, almost oval shaped. It's quite soft but doesn't seem to move. It's not painful in any way. I went to the GP and he said he suspects a fatty lump but I've been referred for a scan to rule anything else out. Obviously I've googled and all roads lead to sarcoma, which is naturally very worrying. Any advice/ reassurance would be much appreciated, there will likely be a bit of a wait for the scan! 

  • Hello Rosewood and welcome to the Cancer Chat forum.

    I'm glad you saw your GP about this lump although I'm sorry for the worry Google has caused since you've found out about your referral.

    Dr Google is very general with the information it provides and has a tendency to increase any fears or worries you may have so if you can, do try to stay away from it from now on.

    Hopefully some of our members will offer their thoughts and advice to you soon but in the meantime we'll have our fingers crossed you won't have to wait too long for an appointment to come through for your scan.

    Kind regards,

    Steph, Cancer Chat Moderator

  • Hi,

    I have a very similar lump on the front of my right thigh. It’s almost like a ‘bulge’ it’s around 3cm, soft enough to push but also does not move(mainly felt when the leg in bent and tensed!). I also have pain in this leg though, a burning sciatica type pain. I just wondered if you had an update on what your lump was following the scan? Hoping it was all good news for you- thanks