HRT menopause thickened womb

Hi fellow ladies 
I just wanted to share an experience in the hope it may support others. I am 57 been on combined HRT for 18 months with constant breakthrough bleeding. GPS reassuring me it’s hormones. Fast forward to last week another bleed and a locum GP fast tracked me on 2 week pathway stating this is not normal and I’m very concerned. Her face told me this was a huge concern as she typed out my urgent referral. She advised me to stop HRT straight away and promptly I bled heavily for a week alongside going into full menopausal symptoms. Dr google convinced me something was terrible. Paid for a private scan as the waiting was awful. There to be told the thickness of my womb was 11 and should be under 4 mm to be normal and eradicate chances of C. Advised very abnormal for post menopause amongst other dark medical jargon. Burst in to tears and sympathy was given but no reassurance. Back to my GP the next day to see a male with no HRT knowledge armed with the scan. He gently told me this is not good and prescribed diazepam’s and emailed the hospital requesting an urgent appointment. I questioned whether HRT caused the thickening and was told definitely not it protects it.  I Didn’t sleep that night worried to death. Luckily I managed to get a cancellation appointment 2 days later with NHS one stop which was today. I might add I have lost 7 pounds in 5 days and not slept. I was met by the most amazing gynaecologist who promptly reassured me that women on HRT have thicker wombs and break through bleeding is very common.  Some bwomen have reading of 25 mm and healthy. Hysteroscopy was carried out but uncomfortable but ok. Nothing detected all clear healthy and normal. I’m lucky. Lovely gynaecologist advised never dr google and get back on your HRT if you choose to do so and recommended the Mirena coil. Lessons learnt 
1. SPot bleeding on HRT is common and extremely rarely is it anything sinister. Also missing a day of HRT can cause break through bleeding don’t panic. 
2. Never dr google 
3. Always ask for the GP who specialises in Menopause/HRT
4. It is very Normal to have thickening of the womb on ladies that take HRT 
5. Seek support from the correct professionals 
6. Listen to your body and if it’s not right act on it. 
7. Stopping HRT often causes a bleed this is usual and normal

I really hope this helps others on their menopause journey and using HRT. I would not want anyone to go through this unnecessarily. 


  • Hello chezza_shore, 

    Thank you so much for taking the time to share your experience which I am sure will be very useful to other ladies currently experiencing something similar. What a scare you had poor you when it all turned out to be linked to the HRT and wasn't anything to be concerned about. You must be feeling so relieved. 

    You did so well in getting this cancellation appointment and seeing a gynaecologist who seemed to know a lot about the menopause/HRT and who also carried out tests which confirmed everything was healthy and normal. Your gynaecologist is right: it's best to avoid looking things up on Dr Google who is no doctor at all and will only give you the worst case scenario making you even more anxious.

    Your 7 pieces of advice will be really useful to anyone who is currently going through something similar at the moment. It's really important too to flag any unusual bleeding even if, like you, it all turns out to be nothing serious.

    So glad it all turned out fine for you in the end! :cool:

    Best wishes, 

    Lucie, Cancer Chat Moderator