2WW Referral Lower GI after positive FIT and lower Iron

Hi, I'm new here and just wanting to get some true feedback wheather it's a positive or negative, I appreciate the reality and truth. 

I am 31 and since having my daughter I have had lower tummy issues which I thought was a result of childbirth )2nd child). I suffered with low iron which caused hairloss but I did put down to postpartum hairloss until dr linked it with low iron.

I then kept getting the feeling of pressure in my lower abdomen and pressure/pain in lower back if stood for too long, again put down to birth and never thought anything of it. Fast forward to last week I had bad pressure feeling in lower tummy and slight cramps (thought earlier period?) but instead i had a biggish bleed from my back end with few clots. I rang GP right away who examed me and said no fissure or piles. He advised me to have FIT test (this was last Thursday). I did my test Sunday/Monday and by Wednesday the dr called to say positive 28 ug/L. I mentioned to the dr that since having my daughter I've suffered with iron levels being low and also I noticed lots of mucus in my poo when I did samples (never looked at it before that's closely, also my bowel movements have changed and becuase it wasn't consistent daiorrhea i didn't think it was worth mentioning, but I have started having more movements and I can be having daiorrhea and then have a normal stool withing the same sitting, weird! 

so anyways I had my ferritin levels done today and they have come back 7! This is the lowest my iron has been, it was 9 last year and went back up to 15 but that's a significant drop! (Normal range is 12-307 ish I think? ) 

now on the 2WW for suspected lower GI cancer. But I understand that's not alway the case and very open minded and just like to know stories and outcomes of similar. 

Any advice is much appreciated 



  • Hi 


    Your symptoms sound very similar to mine. I had episodes like this for 10 years but cramps were severe and would sometimes vomit too. Had big bleeds out the back passage, mucus etc. After the latest one I had a fit test a few weeks later which was a bit higher than yours and got put on 2ww. I also have a history of bowel cancer at a young age in the family so was quite worried however colonoscopy showed nothing.

    I did have a lot of pain during it so they diagnosed ibs with visceral hypersensitivity and I've been referred for more testing for food allergies and intolerances

    Mucus Is very common in Ibs and bleeding can occur or can be caused by  trigger. 

    Your fit test is very low and really wouldn't be expecting a outcome of cancer at that number.. The specialist told me before I went in that the blood in my fit was very very low and yours is lower

    Try to keep calm, you are doing the right thing by getting checked and its good your gp is on the ball