Tonsil hard lump

Hi, I'm new on this forum & apologise if I'm wasting anyone's time or if it's not relevant to anyone else. I'd just be grateful to hear from anyone with the same symptom I have, what it is & what happened thereafter.

A couple of weeks ago I was quite alarmed to find a very hard lump, like a large pea size, inside the soft tissue of the throat side wall below my right tonsil. I can feel it clearly at full stretch of my middle finger, just past the mouth into the throat. It  doesn't hurt, but I became aware of feeling something there all the time so had felt around. It does hurt a bit when I try and move it, but it doesn't move. I'm immuno-suppressed (on strong drug for Rheumatoid Arthritis) so have frequent mild sore throats etc, also chronic dry cough, breathlessness & bad heads that I think are due to the drug, plus have a lot of pains linked to the RA. As the lump is tucked away below the tonsil & abscured by the tongue, I haven't managed to get photos of it.

The GP had a quick feel but didn't check me properly, but said probably a tonsil cyst (but I thought they were softer not rock hard?) & to first get a dentist's opinion, which I am trying to do (but so hard to get an appointment) & depending on that I may be referred to ENT specialist. 

I can't anything quite like it online, I've searched a lot. There is a lot on tonsil stones & swollen tonsils & cysts - but it's not reported if the cysts can be so hard. It's not a stone the GP said. It's one hard mass and inside the soft tissue. I'm always rather 'glandy' in the neck & armpits (again, due to being bad with the RA & drug), but haven't felt any new or different neck lumps etc. 

I'd be very grateful to hear from anyone who has had something like this. Thank You. 

  • Hi BlodynT,

    Welcome to Cancer Chat. It's good to hear you've had this checked out by a doctor, and hopefully you are able to get that dentist appointment also. I know it's not easy dealing with uncertainty and waiitng for further information, so I hope you're able to get some answers or peace of mind soon.

    It's difficult to advise on your situation as it will only really be the doctors/specialists who can do this, but if others here have similar experience to share then hopefully they'll be along soon.

    Wishing you all the best,

    Cancer Chat Moderator

  • Thanks Ben. You're very kind to reply.

    The dentist has since had a look and doesn't know what it is but said she's referring me straight away to maxillofacial specialist. It wasn't very sensible of me to expect specific feedback right now (!) though just wondered if others have had a hard mass inside the soft tissue in that area. Not being alarmist & thinking it's cancer, but it doesn't feel like something harmless. I've looked a lot on line, but reports hardly ever say if something is hard or soft or exactly in that area. Yes, hopefully someone will have something to say about it if they've experienced it.

    Really appreciate you responding anyway.

    Thank you Ben.

  • Hi BlodynT

    I could of written your post myself, I also found a hard lump near my tonsil recently that has been worrying me. I had my appointment with ENT today and the doctor told me it most likely a cyst but not anything sinister, he is going to remove my tonsils and they will be checked by the lab. The peace of mind from seeing the specialist is such a relief.  I hope you get your appointment soon and get some positive news too. So hard not to worry and work scenarios up in your mind. 

    Take care

  • Hi Jane,

    Thanks so much for your response. Phew - feel relieved for you with your feedback from the specialist! even though you need an operation. It's hard not to let the mind go a bit bonkers thinking the worst, especially when other symptoms are flaring up - I'm sure you know the feeling! I'm seeing specialist in a week's time and it can't come soon enough.

    Thanks again, I'll post again once I know what's what. All the best to you and good luck with the tonsil removals

  • Hi, I’ve been looking on the internet and it sounds like you have exactly the same as me. A rock hard lump back of my throat just under my tonsil on the left hand side. Noticed what felt like tonsil stones but it’s not (have those also) but it’s in a different place and really hard and it’s starting to give me a sore throat.

    I saw ENT a few weeks ago before I noticed this but I did express a feeling of fullness in my throat and sore throats and he just said it would be acid and only did a quick glance down my throat.

    have you had any answers or anything on what it is or any treatment? My GPs really aren’t helpful so I don’t know whether to try the dentist?

    I really suffer with anxiety so I’m getting worried as I can’t find much on the internet on what this could be.


  • Hello. Did you find out what it was? I have what sounds the same and getting anxious waiting to see a GP. 

  • Hi did you get to the bottom of what this was please?