IPMN side branch

Hello, I have been a silent member/reader for some time now. It is heart breaking reading some of the posts and equally heart warming to see all the replies.

I underwent an emergency laparoscopic appendectomy last novermer 2022 after which they discovered an incidental 1.1 m cyst on my pancreas, the terminology used is an incidental finding of a pancreatic side branch IPMN. In addition to this they said that I also have serveral gallstones in my gallbladder (one of which escaped).  This they told me the day after surgery to remove my appendix, I was highly drugged up and confused so did not take in much.  My concern is that they are more concerned about the gallstones then the actual tumor on my pancreas.  Am I right to be concerned, they have recommended annual scans as they say that the tumor is stable after my last MRCP scan (fen 2023) but this is not sitting right with me. Should I persue treatment for this further? what should I say/ask as I have another appointment with surgeons next month (April) after scan. I am worried and anxious as its one thing after another as everytime I get s scan they find something else yet no treatment yet? Thank you for reading this far. if anyone (unfortunately) has any experience or advise I would be extremely grateful.  Take care.