Endometrial Biopsy - results/waiting time

Im 25 years old.. 

Overview: Since I was 18 I always had irregular periods ect.. Ive been fobbed off for years! Evenutally was diagnosed with PCOS, was told I pretty much couldnt have children. Me and my partner were having unprotected sex 4 years and nothing! Any how in lockdown a mircle happened!! I got pregnant! Long story short I have a very healthy 21 month old son! This is when my problems got bad.. 

He was an emergancy c section & I was put to sleep. 3 week after I started bleeding (I think my period I dont know anymore) any how this bleeding continued for 10 months straight non stop! Doctors fobbed me off didnt really know what to do, so I begged for a refural he put me in for one but non emergancy. After 10 months the bleeding stopped for a couple weeks.. and now I bleed for 23-26 day then i stop for a week or two then its the same again.. the pain I get a week before I start bleeding that continues through is nothing I could ever explain, I feel just dead almost, im taking lots of opiods to manage the pain but its truly ruining my life & my experience of motherhood with my little one.  anyhow I finally got my refural on the 14th of Feb! In which doc did a endometrial biopsy? Im abit shocked that I was offered no pain releif to help this process as I was in aggony, my legs were shaking so bad and I literally couldnt stop them! Any how the doc said hes sent it as an emergancy and I should have results back in 2-3 weeks! We are almost hitting 2 weeks and absolutely nothing? Ive been told to wait for a letter..

I just need to know has anyone else experience this? Ive been having the worst depression and anxiety the past 2 weeks, im struggling to cope really I just want to sit and cry.. 

Should I assume its good news? That Ive waited this long? I just need some reassurance? Has anyone waited 2 weeks with no results and then still got bad news? Or should I expect them to be normal with it being a while? Im so worried I just need peice of mind - why does NHS now only give results by letter? I cannot concentrate on anything I feel alone & scared (only because of how much pain im in daily and the extent of the bleeding) I just need some reassurance from someone, anyone please


sorry for the ramble xx

  • Hi, 

    oh it's sooo frustrating. They don't seem to explain much at all. I've never heard of RPOC either. We haven't been told if Jodie's are urgent or not, I wish we had as it would help. On Monday the secretary said she'd request a phone call from the gyno as I explained Jodie is not wanting to go to the hospital but today ( I think it was a diff secretary) said it's not something they do. Do we have another weekend if high anxiety and worry. We could just sit and cry that's how we are feeling. I really hope your results come through soon xx

  • It's been 18 days since the biopsy, but all in all a month since they decided she needs a biopsy xx

  • Hello again 


    No results again today. 22 days since the biopsy. 

    I'm just to scared to ring up. My health anxiety won't let me do that

    Best wishes xx 

    Hoping your alright xx

  • Hi!! Yes they dont explain much at all!! Did you ask if it urgent? They told me on the phone it was marked as urgent! 
    Ive just called, my results are in they are waiting to be reviewed by clinic; she said that will be done today.. I asked if I fan request a phone call and she said absolutely not, its not policy.. I said well if everything is okay can someone just ring me and tell me that? Just so I dont have prolonged days off worry waiting for a letter.. she said no, I kinda just went back and said Look please if its normal please just let me know, so she said when ive written the letter, ill ring you once its sent to GP and you can call them for the results? So thats making me think they are clear? Which is absolutely amazing but I just need that last bit of clarification! Hope you hear back soon! ️xx

  • Really hoping you hear from them soon!! Xxx

  • How did you get on in the end? I was a 2 week fast track and waited 5 weeks! I am now waiting results and it’s 3 weeks since biopsy