Ascites, ovarian/abdomen or recurring kidney cancer

My mum has a background of left kidney neoplasm for which she had a nephrectomy in 2022. Recently she was hospitalised(14th of January) with gross ascites. The CT showed that there is a peritoneal thickening and modularity in the deep pelvis in the abdomen. Some deposits also seen in the left paracolic gutter. Also there is 4.5 x 2.9 cm soft tissue in the left adnexa.

MRI pelvis showed bilateral ovarian lesions, peritoneal tumour and ascites, possibly Krukenberg tumours from a remote primary, possibly ovarian malignancy. She had an IP omental biopsy and now waiting for results for a diagnosis and plan.

She was discharged today from hospital after she had 7l of fluid drained (on 23rd of January) and sent home while waiting for the biopsy results, which should tell us what type of cancer she has. I would like to get some advice as she feels very week and with constantly sick symptoms(nousea, loss of apetite, little eating) and she feel very tired and laying in bed all day. I am worried that by the time we get a final diagnosis and any treatment it will be too late to do something for her. 

  • Hello AnaRox

    I'm sorry to hear about all that your Mum has had to deal with recently. It's understandable that she feels so tired since being discharged from the hospital. 

    If the nausea doesn't settle then do get in touch with her GP for support or if you're worried about her outside of normal GP practice hours then contact NHS 111. 

    Here at Cancer Research UK we have a team of nurses that you can call to talk to and I'm sure they will be happy to offer any advice and support they can. They're available Monday to Friday 9 am to 5 pm on 0808 800 4040. 

    Best wishes, 
    Cancer Chat moderator