Post menopause bleed

Hi, I am 56 and have been been on hrt patches with a mirena coil for approx 6 years.  I had the coil removed about 3 weeks ago as it was time expired. I was expecting to bleed after the removal for a couple of days and I did. However now almost a month later I have started to bleed again (like break through spotting when I had periods) and a small amount of cramping.

Had a telephone consultation with GP 2 days ago and have a face to face appointment on Tuesday. Extremely worried as haven't had periods for about 7 years. I was also told by the dr when the coil was removed that I have a prolapse so now my mind is working overtime.

  • I'm the same age and , though not on hrt, and was on the mirena coil for about 12 years. I bled after the removal and then started having spotting, cramping and then basically just bled eveyday for about 6 weeks before I got to see the GP (delayed as I was on holiday and then got covid). I was sent for ultrasound, hysteroscopy, ct and mri scans and had blood tests done and it is looking like treatment will be removal of fibroids/polyps and back on the mirena coil - so not cancer. Hopefully you will have a similar outcome - not sure of treatment for prolapse. I know telling you not to worry will be pointless but waiting for tests and results is horrible so try and find things to do to keep yourself busy. Wishing you all the best


  • Hi Leni56,

    thank you for your reply. I saw GP today who thinks this is a reaction to the mirena being removed. he is not overly worried but has referred me for pelvic exam and ultrasound (and to check thickness etc) as a precaution). If no abnormalities are found the bleeding should stop but my hrt may need to be adjusted.

    The scan will be with a company that the health trust outsource to (apparently quicker than the hospital) so it's just a case of waiting now.

    Thank you for your wise words and I do hope that you are doing ok 



    Kind regards 

  • Hello..

    I've had the mirena coil in for 6 years. (Had a horrific time on insertion.

    2 weeks ago I had a transvaginal scan as was having spotting daily. He tried to remove the coil omg it was awful.

    It's got to come out under GA.

    Anyway he wants me back next week for a colposcopy ( had one before) but I'm seriously scared. Why have I got to go back.

    I got told recently I'm through the menopause. 


    Sorry for interrupting your conversation,  I don't have anyone else to talk to .


  • Hi,


    sorry to hear you are not having a good experience and fully understand your fears. I am trying to keep busy and distract myself from those thoughts of what if, what might be etc so I can imagine your worries.

    My coil insertion was terribly painful but, luckily, the removal whilst uncomfortable was not nearly so bad so I am sorry to hear that yours didn't go so well.

    Please don't worry about interrupting a conversation that's what this forum is for (I think ...]

    wishing you all the best x

  • Hello.

    Thankyou for replying. 

    I'm trying to keep busy too. Hard isn't it.

    When he tried to remove it , he just  couldn't. So this has me very worried indeed. I did see the coil on the camera.


    And now next week I will have the colposcopy , he said to get a closer look at the cervix has me really worried.

    After the transvaginal a couple of weeks ago the spotting etc stopped.. But this morning there it was back again. But through the day nothing 

    I'm all over the place!


    Again thankyou and best wishes for you xx