Suspected cervical polyp but mirena coil missing


I've been referred to see a gynaecologist (2 week wait) as I've had some bleeding, discharge and  twinges. I'm 46, perimoenopausal and on HRT. I saw a nurse today and she thinks that I have a polyp but the surrounding area is inflamed and very red. She asked another nurse to come in and have a look so alarm bells were ringing, by this point. In addition, neither of them could see the strings to my coil so that seems to have disappeared! I'm beside myself with worry, I'm trying to be rational about it all but my mind is in overdrive.

Has anyone else had something similar happen to them, especially with regards to a missing coil?

Thanks in advance,


  • Hi

    I have the mirena coil... it was due to come out last year

    Anyway I am post menopausal now.  But have had abnormal bleeding after I go to the loo in the morning and wipe its there. Or then I have none bla bla.

    Period pains etc 

    Anyway 10 days ago I had a transvaginal scan. They can see the coil,  (before I carry on I had the most horrendous time on insert)

    So 10 days ago he tried to get it out omg the pain 

    He also injected me up there. I was sobbing. 

    Anyway I already know for removal I'm having a general anesthetic. But as I was getting dressed he said he wants to do a colposcopy.  Straight away I'm saying why? Cancer? 

    He said I just want a closer look. So obviously something is wrong. 

    I go on the 9th.


    I'm so sorry for wittering. X


    I'm sure they'll give you a scan .


  • Hi Fallmare,

    Thanks for taking the time to reply. I'm sorry that you're experiencing problems too. It's such a worry isn't it! 

    Like you, I had a terrible time of having the coil placed, 2 years ago. It took 2 doctors, 5 attempts to get it in. It seemed to all be OK until around 10 days ago, when the bleeding started. When the nurses had a look today, they were more concerned about the potential polyp and just said that there was no sign of the coil strings. I'm puzzled as to where on earth it is! 

    I've just received a notification via the NHS app that my appointment is on the 2nd Feb so only a week to wait. 

    Were your coil strings caught up inside your uterus? 

    LL x


  • Hello


    Well I've never been able to feel them.

    He didn't say they were caught, but I could see the coil on the screen .

    I don't think I have a polyp as I'm sure he might of said.

    As i was leaving the nurse said try not to worry because if you have had abnormal bleeding they cant hust discharge you they need to find out why 

    im worried because ive had abnormal cells before and had loop diathermy.  So this is whats going on in my head.

    Bless you it's awful isn't it 

    That's good you only have a week to wait. 

    Please let me know how you get on., I feel for you going through all this too.

    But. It's nice having someone to share with. 



  • It's hard not to worry, especially if you'be had abnormal cells before. I keep telling myself that it's good that they are being thorough and checking all possibilitles. 


    I had a smear in late 2021, which was clear, so that is making me feel a bit less anxious and I'm trying to push negative thoughts to the back of my mind. 


    I will definitely let you know how I get on next week and please keep me updated too. I appreciate that you've responded. I don't want to tell anyone (other than my husband) as I don't want to worry about other people worrying! 

    LL x

  • Yes the same with me, only my partner knows. He's great at keeping me calm.

    I have extreme health anxiety so I'm always worrying.  This started a few years back. I take medication for it which helps.

    I know worrying doesn't help but I can't stop. Honestly I even annoy myself haha.

    My smear in 2020 I think (only because I remember mask wearing was everywhere) was clear so like you I'm concentrating on that too.

    The gp wasn't going to refer me! She said "what fo you want to do?!"

    Honestly I couldn't believe it.

    I will send you a friend request so we can talk about our appointment privately.

    I will definitely let you know.

  • HI Fallmare, 

    How are you? How did your appointment go?

    LL x

  • He'll  LL

    Thanks for checking on me.

    Went last Thursday. 

    He straight away said my cervix was thin and I'd need oestrogen.

    I couldn't see the screen but after he squirted the Vinegar solution he took biopsies. 

    So now I'm really worried 

    How are you? X


  • And how did your appointment go on the 2nd ?


  • Hi Fallmare, 

    My appointment went well, the doctor took one look and said that it was a polyp. She removed it and sent it off for biopsy. She could see my coil strings too, so maybe the polyp was obstructing them. 

    I received my biopsy results last week and thankfully, all is clear. 

    How are things progressing with you?

    LL x