Urgent referral for colonoscopy due to positive FTI, worried

Sent in stool sample last Thursday and Friday Dr contacted me to say blood levels in stool were 47 ( normal range 0-2). Said would be referred for colonoscopy and met criteria for 2 week urgent appointment. Not slept very well since Friday when he called. 

I jump everytime my phone goes.  

  • Hi

    Blood levels in fit test could be a number of things, piles, a tear, diverticulitis etc.

    Because of this result they have to be on the safe side and rule out cancer. This is why you have been sent on a 2 week pathway. Not because they think it is cancer.

    My friend found a breast lump and the same with her, 2 weeks of hell and everything was fine.

    One day at a time and the best thing about this test is you get the results on the day.

    Try to not let it spoil christmas for you. x

  • I have just recieved my fit test at 118 and ive got my 2 week referral, Im, worried sick I cant eat or sleep. Am i being daft. My 1st appointment is on the 23rd of December only a telephone call, I thought I would of had something a little bit more than that. Our christams is absolutley ruined 

  • I havent heard anyhting yet and I the same as you, loosing sleep and not eating very well.  Its the waiting that is the worst

  • Just wanted to try and provide some reassurance if at all possible. I was the same as you and after a positive FIT test, I was placed on a 2 week urgent referral to the gastro team at hospital. I then had an appointment to speak to a colorectal cancer specialist nurse who went over symptoms and told me they would like to do a colonoscopy. I had my colonoscopy a week and a half a go. My consultant had to take biopsies however she said no cancer or polyps were seen during the colonoscopy. She did say this does not however clear me from possibly having cancer. She said results would take 4-6 weeks but mine went back to her after 11 days yesterday so my mind is racing. I called for results and the hospital nurse said that the result of biopsies were going to be discussed at their team meeting and then I will be booked an appointment to see the consultant to discuss results. The waiting for appointments and results is absolutely the worst thing about it. Try and just take it all one step at a time and get through each appointment/test as they come. 

  • My thoughts are with you io123. Waiting is horrible, still not heard when appointment will be, ok only referred on 9th Dec, but the wait is agonising. Initially went to drs over something not related and when he called for blood tests and they came back showing i am extremely anemic he requested a FTI. The positive FTI came back within 24hrs. I keep saying dont ring till Monday to ask if appointment has been organised as but i just want to get it over with. 

  • Try and hold on in there. It really is tough but use this forum for support and if you need to talk through anything, then I'm happy to help in any way I can. From the referral to hospital, I had a telephone assessment with a colorectal nurse specialist within 5 days so I would expect an appointment very soon. I think, if it is getting to the point that it really is causing you anxiety though, you should telephone the hospital department and explain and they are usually always so understanding and will want to make sure patients are at ease as possible. 

  • My telephone consulation is Monday. What should i expect?