Told suspicious polyp looks cancerous. So scared

Hi, I'm just a bit scared and would like some advice from people who have gone through this. 
I was pooping blood (tmi sorry) for a while, kept getting told it was piles, but after bothering the doctor for ages, they agreed to send me for a colonoscopy. They found a 3cm polyp, he tried to remove it but couldn't, he did take some biopsies though. I had to see a specialist to remove it in 2weeks time, during that time I had a CT scan also. I had my polyp removed yesterday, the doctor said it did look cancerous. I asked about my ct results and he looked on the system and said no one had looked at it yet! I now have to wait 2weeks for the polyp to be biopsied and for my MDT. By this point it will be 4weeks since my ct! I'm so scared that it's spread and I'm just sitting here with nothing being done. I'm 37 and a single mum. I can't sleep or eat. I feel like I'm just a bundle of nerves. Is it normal to wait this long? Can I go private just for someone to look at my results? Thanks 

  • Hello Leanne1985, 

    I can understand why you are feeling so anxious and you did well to go back to the doctor's so that they eventually sent you for a colonoscopy and you've now had this polyp removed and biopsied. It must be frightening to be told that it did look cancerous but you won't know for sure what it is until those CT scan results have been looked at and you have got the results back from your biopsy. It won't be too long though now until you get your results even though each passing day must currently feel like a lifetime. There are helpful tips on this page to help you cope while waiting for important news. 

    You could perhaps try and give your doctor a call and explain that you are feeling really anxious that you haven't had your CT scan results yet. According to our website on this page, CT scan results normally take 1 or 2 weeks so you could try and find out when you should be given these and whether there have been delays. You could discuss with your doctor whether it would be worth going private or if waiting a few more days would not make much of a difference. You could stress to your GP that this is making you feel really unwell and you have been unable to eat or sleep - fingers crossed they will be able to chase things for you or give you some good advice so that you can get these results as soon as possible. 

    Hopefully you will hear from other members who have been in a similar situation and they will be along shortly to share their experience with you. 

    Keeping everything crossed for you that it turns out to be nothing of concern! Keep us updated if you get a moment and you get any updates.

    Best wishes, 

    Lucie, Cancer Chat Moderator

  • Hi, the good thing is the polyp has been removed!

    They'll obviously biopsy it and determine if cancer is present. If so, it's it's more likely early stage and they'll deal with it.

    Try not to worry, I'm 3 weeks in waiting for my results. From what I've been told bowel cancer is really slow growing, and like me you've had the polyp removed which is the main thing x

  • Thank you for your reply, I'm going to ring up tomorrow and just try and find out the ct results. That would calm my nerves so much!! 

  • Gosh, the waiting is terrible. Glad you've had yours removed too. Hopefully we'll both get good results!!! 

  • Yes, the waiting is awful. Try not to google too much as well. Never a good thing! 

    Thank you, fingers crossed for the both of us x


  • I've got my mdt meeting tomorrow morning, I've got an appointment after. I don't know the ins and outs, like would they call me in to tell me if it's all gone or that it wasn't cancer. Or do they only call you in to give you bad news? 

  • Sorry for late reply. I hope all is well? From my experience they call you back to discuss findings whether good or bad x

  • So it turns out mine is bowel cancer. T2 so not too bad. Scheduled in to have a bowel resection just after Xmas. In a hospital 2hours away from friends and family which is annoying!!! I might need chemo after but will have to wait and see if it's in any lymph nodes. How did it all turn out for you? 

  • Hi there, you're right T2 is easily treatable and you have a very high chance of being completely cured. 
    Mine was ok in the end. Low grade dysplasia. I need to return in 6 months so have a symoidoscopy to check the polyp was completely removed and then colonoscopies every 3 years. 
    I hope everything goes well with the resection and you'll soon be free of this awful disease.

    if you need to talk I'm here for you x


  • I'm so glad things turned out well for you!! Yup they've said once I have the op and possibly chemo it will be a full cure which is amazing!! Thank you so much! And hopefully you'll have no issues in the future too!!!! X