Lymphoma Urgent Referral

So about 8 months ago I noticed two swollen lymph nodes, one on the side of my neck and one towards the bottom of my neck, both on the right hand side. I went to the doctors and they gave me a blood test but that came back fine so they said everything was okay. A few months later the lumps still hadn't gone away and they were still bothering me so I went to a different doctor but she just said I had a 'nodey neck' and there was nothing to be concerned about. A few months after that the lumps were still there and I noticed that my tonsil on the same side had got a lot bigger than it was a few months ago, but I've not had any infections or tonsillitis or anything like that. I also have noticed another small lump on the same side of my neck and I have been very tired, have had itchy legs and arms, and have lost about 2 stone in weight since February. I had just put these things down to being at university and so being busy, walking a lot and I also used to have eczema when I was younger so I just blamed the itching on that. However, with the lumps and the swollen tonsil I decided to go back to the doctor and this time a different doctor saw me and ended up giving me an urgent 2 week referral to ENT as he said there was a possibility my symptoms could be cancer, but to not get too worried as there could be other possibilities too. He said I have a 3cm node in my neck just under my chin, and then also general swelling in other nodes too, and that my tonsil is definitely unusually large (I think he said probably about 2.5cm). Obviously I am quite worried about this, especially because I am at uni at the moment and also my mum was diagnosed with cancer 3 years ago, and so I have seen first hand the effects of treatment and everything. I guess I just wanted to post this to see if anyone else has had any similar experiences and how these may have turned out? My ENT appointment has been scheduled for just under 2 weeks but I will be going by myself and also don't really know what to expect, if anyone has had an ENT referral for something similar what did the appointment involve? My doctor said probably an ultrasound and a needle biopsy? Thank you!

  • I'm going through similar. Got lots of worrying symptoms with the possibility of lymphoma and have been sent for an urgent blood test and urgent chest x ray but no referral yet. Always here 

  • Hi there,

    I completely understand what you're going through and understand how worrying it is when someone mentions the word cancer or puts you on an urgent referral. I wasn't referred to ENT as I was an inpatient in hospital when my symptoms were first picked up but I can try and offer some advice on what the procedure/ultrasound may involve.

    I was seen by a radiologist and his assistant who used an ultrasound to first scan the enlarged lymph nodes in my neck. This is completely painless and as I was having a needle biopsy as well the consultant will ensure there are no vessels nearby before taking the biopsy. The consultant then numbed the area with local anaesthetic, I won't say its painless but I promise its nothing to worry about, a small scratch and then the local kicks in very quickly. As far as pain from the biopsy thats all I felt for the whole time (its a very quick procedure). The consultant then used a needle biopsy to take some samples, he took maybe five or six, the needle makes quite a loud 'clicking' noise as it collects the sample but its nothing to worry about at all, they'll explain everything on the day. I had no bleeding afterwards, some aches and swelling for a day or two afterwards but absolutely no issues at all.

    I'm not entirely sure if that helps you at all? I understand its incredibly worrying and stressful for you. Please do not worry about the appointment and biopsy, its very quick and the staff there will guide you through it. Your GP is absolutely right, there's plenty of reasons that your lymph nodes can be enlarged so keep positive and avoid Dr Google (easier said than done I know). 

    Here if you have any questions.

    Best wishes!