2 week referral letter - no information, maximum anxiety


I had an ultrasound to test for the presence of a hernia (common) and suddenly appearing undescended testicle (more unusual!). 

The GP told me over the phone that it revealed both of those things, and that he was referring me to a urologist who "would be removing the testicle, and would fix up the hernia while they were there". When I asked why they would be removing the testicle, he seemed to think this was a strange question, and said "so they can see what it is". He then said he would leave a leaflet in reception for me to pick up with more information.

When I picked up the leaflet it said "Urgent Cancer Referral" at the top. Although it then said that most people referred in this way don't have cancer, it has caused real anxiety and I cannot consistently sleep or eat. It tells me nothing other than raising the idea of cancer and then backing down. I feel that this should have not been dumped in reception without any explanation to me about what was going on.

If it is the case that I am being referrred for further tests then he should not be instructing me of treatment steps (e.g. removing a testicle as if it was as everyday as having my toenails clipped) without saying why. 


  • Hi cph,

    Welcome to Cancer Chat. I can certainly understand you feeling this way - you of course have the right to understand why the doctor has suggested this. I'm not sure if you have received a letter with details of the referral and if so, whether there is a contact number on there. If so, you could call to try to find out more about what to expect.

    It's important that you understand what to expect and why things may be happening, so keep pushing for these answers.

    You may also find it helpful to talk things through with one of our nurses. If you'd like to do this, you can reach them on 0808 800 4040 - Monday-Friday, 9-5.

    Wishing you all the best,

    Cancer Chat Moderator

  • Thank you for your reply.

    I did have a letter with details of the referral - it was yesterday. When I turned up they said the appointment was at a different hospital (in a completely different town). It wasn't - it was clear on the letter that I was in the right place.

    After 45 mins in hospital reception while they phoned around, it became clear that my appointment had been cancelled and re-arranged for next week, but they hadn't thought to tell me. So I'd psyched myself up to go (and wasted half a day's leave from work) only to have another week of torture.

    Had a meltdown in the hospital car park then went home. This is a terrible thing to say but I wish I'd never gone to the doctor in the first place. The anxiety will kill me before anything they can find.

  • I'm sorry to hear you have been messed around a bit. You've done all the right things and hopefully your appointment next week won't be changed. In the meantime take things a day at a time and try to keep yourself busy to help keep your mind off things.

    All the best,
