So I had a positive FIT test result yesterday, 117. I'd noticed some red blood on wiping for a few months, not really noticed anything on the stool or in the toilet bowl. I've never really had "normal" bowel habits so it's difficult to tell if they've changed. Ive always been a bit sporadic and sometimes it's be a normal stool, other times it's been urgent and quite loose but I've been like that for as long as I can remember. I've also got lower, right back pain. I just put it down to a rubbish mattress but now I'm thinking....is it related to a bowel problem. I've also been quite bloated, not gassy just an uncomfortable feeling of fullness but I have recently gained a bit of weight so thought it was because I'm a bit greedy!
My father was diagnosed with bowel cancer aged 48, im now 41 which is one of the reasons I'd spoked to my GP regarding doing a FIT test, I think I was in complete denial about the spotting in my BM.
Needless to say I'm becoming a bit irrational with my thoughts and I'm finding it difficult to keep calm so my mind is in overdrive. Just looking to share my thoughts someplace safe and hopefully find some reassurance off you lovely people.