Here's my timeline:
May 2018 - had NHS smear tests which came back normal (didn't test for HPV just said no abnormal cells)
April 2019 - had a private smear test as part of a work health assessment - this came back showing borderline cell changes and HPV 16
April 2019 - had a colposcopy following the abnormal smear - biopsy taken which came back CIN 2/3 (which was a surprise given my smear said only borderline changes)
April 2019 - had LLETZ procedure - this confirmed CIN 2
October 2019 - had follow up smear which showed I still had HPV and borderline changes
October 2019 - had another colposcopy which showed no abnormal changes
April 2020 - had follow up smear which showed I still had HPV but no abnormal changes detected
October 2020 - had follow up smear which showed I still had HPV but no abnormal changes detected
April 2021 - had follow up smear which showed no HPV and no abnormal changes
October 2021 - had another follow up smear which still showed no HPV and no abnormal changes so I thought great, im all in the clear!
June 2022 - had another smear test as part of a health assessment and this came back showing positive for HPV (not sure what type) but no abnormal changes
I now have an appointment for a colposcopy which is next week but I am so confused and worried! I had two clear HPV tests in 2021 so I don't understand how less than a year later I am now showing to have HPV again?! Has this happened to anyone else - did you "clear" HPV only to get it again? I don't know what type I have this time so I suppose it could be a different type, but I am married with same partner so I shouldn't have been exposed to anything new... I am just worried about going through this whole process again and how my body apparently cleared the virus but it's come back again so quickly?!
if anyone has any experience of going through similar I'd love to hear from you!