Scan Results to GP?


This may be a silly question. Does anyone know if GP's can access CT scan results as soon as the radiologist at the hospital has reviewed them on the system? Or does a physical letter/report need to then be sent to the GP?

Been waiting a while for CT scan results and doctor says they can't see anything yet, so was just wondering how the process actually works. Should have asked the doctor really but don't want to call back just to ask and waste their time!


  • Hi, I don't know if this will help. I was waiting for biopsy results and asked if I could have a copy. I was told by my consultant's secretary that I could ask her at my appointment (which I forgot to do!). I asked if my GP would be sent a copy of the report and she said it doesn't need to be sent. Records are stored centrally and can be accessed by hospital and GP practices. I guess once they have completed the report it is uploaded to the patient's record. Hope your results come back soon and there's nothing to worry about. Take care. 

  • Ah okay, thankyou for your response! I wonder if the fact the GP cannot yet see anything means the report has yet to be completed, then. That would make sense.