Suspicious mole on back, health anxiety going crazy

Hi all,

Today whilst applying sunscreen I noticed that one of the moles on my back was made of two colours. The tip is like a dark brown/black whilst the rest is a tan colour. I'm not sure if it's always been like this as it's in such a difficult place. 

I consider myself in the high risk category because I am fair skinned but I don't really spend a lot of time outdoors and when I do I'm generally covered. 

I haven't noticed any bleeding and I can't see any real difference in size. And it doesn't appear to be asymmetrical. I've been Googling melanoma and I'm very concerned given how aggressive it is as a cancer. I can't see any rough borders or anything that I have noticed has changed. It's a mole that I've had since childhood (I'm 29) and I wish I'd paid more attention to it so I could know if this was normal or not!  

I made an appointment with a private GP tomorrow and I am so worried. I have also made an appointment with a nurse practitioner from NHS too to make sure both avenues are covered - though I will likely need an actual appointment with a GP before I can be referred to a dermatologist. 

Anyway I am completely panicking and would love some support and help from someone. I know I'm doing the right things and getting it checked out but I'm worried about how long it will take to resolve given, if it is cancer, how quickly it can spread. 

Thanks for listening to me waffle on!

  • I'm sorry for the worry this mole on your back is causing Ellen, but you've definitely taken the right course of action and I hope your appointment with the GP yesterday helped put your mind at ease.

    You're welcome to take a look at the examples of melanoma we have on our website but if you'd like to talk things through with one of our cancer nurses, you can give them a call on 0808 800 4040, Monday - Friday between 9a.m - 5p.m.

    Many of our members have contended with suspicious or abnormal moles so you are not alone on this journey and hopefully you will receive some support and advice from them soon.

    In the meantime, we're thinking of you Ellen and will have our fingers crossed this mole is no cause for concern.

    All the best,

    Steph, Cancer Chat Moderator

  • When my daughter was at university she noticed that a mole on her lower back had changed colour and texture, it was quite large and not asymmetrical. Her GP also noted that a mole near it looked suspicious and gave her a 2 wk referral to the hospital, The consultant also said suspicious and the moles were removed as an outpatient a couple of weeks later. The wait for results on the moles was about 8-10 weeks but they came back that neither mole was cancerous. I hope her story reassures you - that just because a mole changes, appears suspicous, it does not necessarily mean its a melanoma. I hope you get good news when you see your GP.

  • Hi there, how did you get on with your appointment?  I saw my GP today about a suspicious looking mole on my tummy and he dimissed it as a seborrhoeic wart.  I am so worried that it might be something more sinister and how can he be so sure without making a referal to a dermatologist or a biopsy? I have private healthcare with work so I think I will make a self referal for a second opinion.  I wonder how many other people have been told it's nothing to worry about and further investigation proves otherwise?

  • Hi< I would use your private health care to see a dermatologist, if anything, you will know you have seen the right person quickly and hopefully they will be able to either put your mind at rest or move you forward. I had to use my husbands private health to see a gastric doctor as I was getting nowhere with my GP It was a very valuable appointment which has now meant that my scans are being lookes at again and I am being looked after ( two separate but possibly related cancer situations for me). With private health care you could see someone possibly by next week. ( I have a lump on my lower eyelid which the gp said was benign, anoher doc looked at it and I was fast tracked via NHS now awaiting next appointment )

    Hope all goes well

  • Hi I would use your private health and at least it might help put your mind at rest. you might be able to see someone by next week, In short I had a similar situation when I asked my gp to look at a lump on my lower eyelid, I had it for a few years but it started to change, he said he was pretty sure it was benign. I was seeing an ophalmologist about something different, she looked at it and I was fast an oncologist, things are currently ongoing and I am waiting for dates for biopsies etc, already had CT on the day of the origional appointment. If this had not have happened I would have gone privately because I felt it was more than what the GP was seeing in my case.


  • Thank you. Sorry to hear you had to go through that. 

  • let us know how you get on, just chatting about it helps