Positive FIT test

For anyone wondering if it's possible to have a high FIT test and end up not having anything serious, the answer is yes.

I had a positive FIT test of over 400ug/g in April. My symptoms were rectal bleeding, diarrhoea and some tummy pain. My GP said there were no signs of piles or anything abnormal in my rectal exam.

I recently dropped from 7st 6ibs to 5st 11ibs in the space of a few weeks. I was referred for a sigmoidoscopy and have in fact got internal piles.

I'm waiting for biopsy results so hopefully they'll be normal aswell.


  • Glad to hear it all worked out well for you. Hope the biopsy results are good too.

  • So happy to hear this! I have an appointment with the colorectal specialist tomorrow so hopefully I'll be told the same. 

    Hope your biopsies come back all clear too!

  • Thanks both.

    I also had an appointment with a colorectal specialist today. How did your appointment go?

  • I'm not sure how to feel about it really. He wasn't concerned at all. Said I definitely have piles but also didn't bother to do any checks as he said the photo I had taken showed enough. He outright said I do not have bowel cancer but of course he can't know this for sure as he hasn't actually investigated. He also said my fit test result was 41, which is higher than I'd thought.

    He suggested I try more fibre in my diet and said that if I'd like to have a sigmoidscopy when I'm 28 weeks pregnant then it can be arranged but he doesn't feel like it's needed.

    My partner says I should feel better (he was with me in the appointment) but I feel so conflicted. Plus now I'm worrying I have low iron as I feel dreadful and can't stop falling asleep.

    Not sure what symptoms are caused by being pregnant or if its something more sinister. 

  • Hi I'm sorry that he spoke to you like this. I don't think they should say that you don't have bowel cancer when they haven't done any tests. Of course it is rare but still they shouldn't say it when they don't know.

    I think you should try the high fibre diet and go ahead with the sigmoidoscopy if you continue to have symptoms. It feels better to know you have done everything you can. 

    I really hope your symptoms are just being caused by pregnancy or piles.

  • I'm going to try the diet he suggested and hopefully my symptoms won't return. I haven't had any bleeding since June, it does seem to go away for a good few months then returns for a day before going again. Unfortunately though I've had these symptoms since before becoming pregnant but I live in hope that because we've seen piles that is the cause for it all.