PET follow-up - does consultant appointment mean bad news?

Hi all,

Posting here for the first time, even though I’ve been lurking for a few years. My partner had PLTD five years ago, which responded well to the first round of chemo. He’s been in remission since. He got some suspicious blood work recently (low white cell count, has since improved) and consultant scheduled a PET scan as a precaution.

We went in for a results appointment last week but none were available – system error. Today the nurse has called him and suggested an appointment for this Thursday, but partner thinks if it was all-clear, she would have just told him on the phone. In your experience, does a follow-up appointment after PET mean bad news?

I’m driving myself up the wall with worry, so would appreciate any experiences here. Thank you!


  • Not QUITE the same thing but I will say that when I had my year after treatment full body scan, I was told the radiation oncologist would ring with the results. Then I got a letter giving me a face-to-face appointment. As you can imagine, I was freaked out, thinking they'd found something unexpected or that I needed further treatment, so I rang them was all-clear.

    I don't know the details about a PET scan but it's possible the nurse isn't authorised to give results or that there is something they want to discuss even if it is clear, like "we need to do another scan in 6 months/a year, to be sure." It's hard to second guess these things.

  • Thank you Margaret, that's reassuring. I hope you've been doing well since.

    I've heard a few friends of friends having similar experiences - really somber tone, formal appointment, and then an all clear. Let's hope it's that. I really wish the admin around these things was easier. Been driving myself insane whilst trying not to freak out partner.

  • Hi I was just wondering if you dont mind me asking, whether it was all clear? Because the same thing has been told to my mum and i am very anxious about it.