Bloody discharge, cervical cancer?


i'm wondering if anyone has had a similar experience?

a few months ago mid cycle I had two days of bloody discharge- literally clear discharge streaked with blood / also some pink discharge 

worried me sick as I've never experienced this before. I called gp who checked my cervix and took swabs for infections. She said it looked fine and my swabs also came back clear. That was that

a month after, after sex the next day I had some blood smeared discharge - really tiny amount and the blood was literally a few specks. But it was there

ive been also expediting a lot of normal discharge too, more so then usual. Normally clear and just everytime I wipe after the toilet. No smell when clear or bloody

went back to gp who looked again, and said that this time she could see some abnormalities which she said was a cervical Ectropian but as I was worried would refer me to gynae.

im now absoloutly petrified I have cervical cancer! I only had a smear in November 2021, which was clear as all others have been before. I had a baby in august 2021 and gp said ectropion scan be common from pregnancy but that was a year ago! And I had so many peoples check my cervix during labour nothing was ever reported so I just don't belive this

I've also not been on any form of contraception for over ten years and had the same partner ten years too

I'm making myself unwell with worry. My partner had testicular cancer which we were told had spread to his lungs last September when our daughter was just five weeks old and now this has hugely triggered me

Please can anyone advise is this is something they have experienced?

also - weeing a lot and pain in coccyx which I've had since labour so unsure if related! I've also this period had some bloody discharge two days prior to properly bleeding, and now for two days following normal bleeding 


  • Hello Elw16 and a warm welcome to Cancer Chat,

    I am sorry to hear about these symptoms you have experienced. You did the right thing to call the GP and it's good news that the swabs came back clear. It's good that they are now being thorough and referring you to the gynaecologist. I know it's really hard but try not to anticipate what it might be or imagine the least likely scenario as there are so many things it could be other than cancer. It's completely understandable after what your partner has been through that you are fearing the worst but I am sure it won't be long now until you get some answers and hopefully reassuring news. 

    Make sure you mention all these symptoms you describe to the gynaecologist when you have your appointment. All you can do for now is wait which is the hardest thing really and there are helpful tips on this page to help you cope while waiting for important news. Keep well away from the temptation to consult Dr Google as this will only make you feel more anxious and bring up the worst and least likely possibilities. 

    I hope that you will hear from others on the forum who have been through something similar before and that they will come and share their story with you. 

    I am keeping everything crossed for you that everything turns out fine. 

    Best wishes, 

    Lucie, Cancer Chat Moderator