FIT test results

Hi, can somebody help me understand my results. My GP said above 10 is a positive and mine are 66. Is this significantly high? I've seen people talking in 100s but then read online the range is normally 10 to 150. 

Trying to take it all in after a worrying GP call just as I was going on holiday! I've been urgently referred


  • As your GP said, the norm is under 10 and means there is no blood in your stool. Anything over 10 means there is some blood in your stool and as you've seen, some people get results in the 100s.

    I wouldn't say 66 is super high. It's a good bit over 10, but as you've seen here, people get much, much higher.

    It also only tests for blood in the stool. It doesn't hint in any way as to what is causing the blood. Could be a hemorrhoid or a fissure or a polyp or diverculitis or ulcerative colitis or Crohn's or an infection or probably a whole lot of other things I don't even know about. 

  • Hi there, I just wanted to comment, we are at a similar point, I have just got a reading of 130 on a fit test and it would be useful to see what the outcome was for a result of that level. I know it's not always the case but to get a general consensus would go a long way to help put our minds at rest!!! (A bit)

  • Hi [@Hms40]‍ 

    My GP is referring me this Friday once I return from holiday. My anxiety is through the roof and feel like my symptoms have significantly worsened since the positive test but not sure how much of this is due to stress and anxiety. Just want the colonoscopy over with so I know what I am dealing with.

    I will keep you updated with the outcome of my tests. Hope you are ok. 

  • Hi we've been looking into the test results of the fit and we are not sure whether a low or high number means anything. We saw a consultant and the fact there is blood in stools means there is a 1 in 19 chance of it being cancer. Have you had the tumour marker blood tests as well? That is normal for me as well as all other bloods. Colonoscopy is next Tuesday we will keep you updated too. Agree re anxiety it's a dreadful process.

  • All my bloods were normal. I know they checked for CA125 which is predominantly for ovarian cancer. When I've asked did they check CEA specifically it sounded like she said CECA yes and that was normal so not sure if I misheard as the line wasn't great or whether she said another test. I've taken some comfort from blood work being normal nevertheless.

    Hope everything goes ok on Tuesday  

  • Hope everything went ok today [@Hms40]‍ 

  • Thanks for your message 8 small polyps removed and nothing sinister phew - what about you? Where are you at?

  • That's great news [@Hms40]‍ . You must be so relieved. I am going for my colonoscopy on Sunday. 

    Do you mind me asking what your symptoms were? 

  • Hi there only a small amount of blood on fhe first wipe and one streaked bowel movement - no other symptoms other than the fit test. Hope Sunday goes well for you too. Do you have any symptoms? My bloods were all fine too as mentioned previously like iron which is often low with continued bleeding and bowel cancer and the thnor marker was fine too.

  • I'm so sorry I wrote a message but it never got posted. How did your colonoscopy go?