Urgent gynaecology appointment

Due to ongoing symptoms my GP arranged CA125 blood test again recently. This time last year it was 40, I had scans and showed cyst and small fibroid. The cyst disappeared and things seemed to settle for awhile, but I've been having awful time for last few months. My latest CA125 result was 70 and ultrasound was ordered. Cancer was mentioned as a possibility. Then a CT was ordered. Results came back to GP and she doesn't think anything sinister but lots of inflammation around bottom of my uterus and she was going to discuss me with consultant to see what to do next. I got phone call yesterday saying urgent referral to gynaecologist was being put in and I should have appointment within two weeks. Phone call this morning giving me date in about 12 days. Been told if I need further scans and biopsy, it would be done then. Can anyone tell me what a biopsy is like please? I'm trying to stay positive, but it helps me in advance if I know how things are done

  • I'm sorry to hear about the symptoms you've been contending with Abba and that you have now been given an urgent referral. It can be scary to hear these words but I hope this information we have about these referrals will help ease your mind.

    Hopefully some of our members who have been through this process will share their experiences of the biopsy and scans with you soon but if you'd like to discuss this further with one of our cancer nurses, they'll be available next week on 0808 800 4040, Monday - Friday between 9a.m - 5p.m.

    We're thinking of you Abba and wishing you all the best with your appointment in 10 days time.

    Kind regards,

    Steph, Cancer Chat Moderator

  • Thank you. I'm busy the next week or so, so less time to fret about things. I'm feeling positive at the moment