Is it more serious the longer you wait for mri results?


I had a mri scan on the 13th June and I am still waiting results I have called and all I keep getting told is it can take 6 weeks and I need to wait but the wait is killing me I know friends that have had mri scans a week after me abs had there results back 2 to 3 days after 

I have a lump in my arm and there looking for cancer 


  • Hi there, mine was done on the 28th May, I know its now with the consultant but I have no idea what the result is, so you're not alone, many are waiting weeks.  But my husband had lung cancer and he was phoned two days after the scan to get us in for the results.  So let's hope you here soon.  All the best, Carol 

  • Hiya.  The first time I got breast cancer, I waited about a week for the results.  The second time I got it I had all the usual tests done on the same day, and I was told to wait outside for a couple of hours.  I was called back in and told the cancer had returned.   I think it is very hard to say whether or not a quick diagnosis or not is an indicator of what the results will be, but the waiting is very nerve racking and hopefully you will soon hear, good luck, Violet

  • It's not the case that it is more serious if the results take longer. Usually quite the opposite.

    results are visible and available to someone after a scan very quickly, and if there were a serious immediate issue it would usually be flagged with you very quickly.

    in many cases no news is good news, so don't panic!

  • Hi!

    My husband went for a CT scan on the 7th June.  We got a call the following week on the 16th June asking us to attend the hospital the following Tuesday we thought waiting that long meant everything was ok because we assumed if it was anything bad they would have told us in a couple of days but unfortunately when we went to the hospital on the Tuesday they told us his cancer had come back after getting it all at his operation back in January this year. I think it really depends where you live etc how quick they give out results.



  • Morning 

    I had my mrcp on June the 1st 

    Still no results. I'm absolutely petrified, I have severe health anxiety.. 

    Good luck to you 


  • Hi carol

    Was yours mri or mrcp? I suppose they are very similar..

    Its agonising isn't it 

  • Fortunately I don't worry about this because after five years of dealing with my Norman's cancer I've learned that all the worry in the world does not make a happorth of difference to the outcome!  I know you struggle and it must be hard, I've just had a letter saying the consultant is ringing me on the 27th July so not long now for me.  Have they actually found anything wrong from all your tests, I've not really kept up with it because of losing my husband.  Carol x

  • My husband had his second MRI scan to see how much his cavernous sinus meningioma had grown on the 23rd January 2024......6 months later we still have not heard due to backlog apparently.  No amount of phone calls have made the slightest difference.  It's a very worrying state of affairs in the NHS.