Waiting for results endometrial biopsy

I have the BRCA1 gene.  I have regular check ups, mammograms and mri scans on breasts.   Scans and blood tests on ovaries stopped as proven not useful on the NHS.  

Had op 20 years ago where milk ducts were removed and cells showed they were " turning".  

Always had issues with PCOS and  had CIN 3 cells removed from cervix a few years ago.

2 years ago at 49  Started having pain in left lower abdomen and fobbed off with irritable bowel, then 3 ultrasounds on pelvic area  that found 4.5cm cyst on  left ovary but left alone as not considered an issue    I assumed the pain was down to the cyst.

Had mirena coil changed 18 months ago and nurse asked to do a biopsy, because of my age. Biopsy was clear.   Had prolonged  discharge / bleeding for weeks at a time with pain.

GP finally referred me to gynaecology as I asked if bleeding/ discharge was down to menopause,  also as GP was unsure of HRT due to hormones may increase chances of cancer.

I was given another ultrasound  and the doc asked how long I had a fibroid.  I didn't know I had one.  She said it could be a fibroid, a polyp or something else.  It is at bottom of womb just inside the cervix.  Doc asked if I kept my pap smears up to date, which I have.   Doc was muttering about how it could be missed on 3 previous scans in last 6 months. She took a biopsy.   Then said options she was to give me for prophylactic surgery may well not be needed and a plan of action is to be made. I was sent off for height, weight and bloods.   It's upto 6 weeks wait for results.  The pain has worsened  and I'm bleeding more heavy than usual.    Yes I'm scared.   I'm a single parent to a disabled teenager and no family suppoort. All council social services support withdrawn  as no budgets after lockdowns.   How can it have been missed 3 times? Or has it grown quickly?   It makes sense where the pain is coming from.   I'm constantly run down and tired.   I'm going through all the worst scenarios in my head  to be prepared.  I feel very alone and no odd to confide in.  

  • Welcome to Cancer Chat, Allyoops2813.

    I'm sorry to hear about your situation, it sounds like you have a lot going on right now so no wonder you're feeling the way you do.

    Waiting all those weeks for the results can be difficult, as many here would tell you, so try to keep your mind off things until you see the doctors again, if possible.

    Hopefully, others who have had similar experiences will come along shortly to offer advice. That being said, if you feel like asking some questions to our team of nurses, they'd be happy to talk things over with you Monday - Friday between 9a.m - 5p.m on this freephone 0808 800 4040.

    Last but not least, please remember you're not alone, there is always someone here if you feel like a chat.

    All the best,

    Renata, Cancer Chat Moderator