Lump deep in thigh. Worried.

Hello, I have had a smallish lump in my leg for about a month. It's in my outer thigh, very deep in the muscle and can not see it. I visited my GP last Thursday as I noticed it started feeling bigger and causing pain. The lump is hard, deep in the thigh, it doesn't move and is growing. He sent me for an ultrasound which I had 5 days later. Both the radiologist and doctor say they can't tell what it is from that scan, but looks abnormal, however they don't think it's a cyst, abscess or lipoma. The doctor thinks it was 2cm ish when he saw me, the scan shows 5 days later 4cm. They are sending me for an MRI. I've been naughty and googled, I can't help it, and everything I search leads to soft tissue sarcoma. Which I know is very rare, and I'm sure it's nothing!! Any reassurance or similar stories? Thankyou!

  • Hi, I have no advice but am in a similar position.  I've had a lump on my upper arm for a while now and I just thought it was muscle until I saw my GP a couple of months ago and suggested it might be a lipoma.  Referred for an ultrasound and then an MRI. And they then call me and get me back in within days for a biopsy, now waiting for the results. The MRI outcome was they couldn't rule out sarcoma.  I'd never heard of that so I too had to Google it.

    it's an awful wait, so many thoughts and despite trying my best to stay positive and take it as it comes, it just consumes my mind ALL of the time.

    i suppose we can only wait and take the next steps once we know.

    I hope it is nothing serious, for me and for you


  • Hey lovey, 

    Thankyou for your reply, nice to know there are others going though this too! How did the biopsy go? Any results? I had the MRI today, they said results would be back to GP hopefully it won't take too long! Lump still continuing to get bigger and hurts occasionally. Still can't see the lump though, still deep in thigh! X

  • Hi, did you hear back from your scan? I'm going through the same at the minute, the lump is on my lower back under the skin, right near my sciatic nerve. I'm waiting for an ultrasound scan and so scared it's sarcoma. It is tender and uncomfortable, especially when I've been sitting or walking a lot. Fingers crossed for you x

  • Hey lovely, I'm still waiting for results. I had an ultrasound and they could see a lump but couldn't identify what it was so requested an urgent mri, has that over a week ago now, still waiting on those results to come back. But im guessing if it was urgent I would of heard by now? Hope things go well for you! Keep me updated xxx

  • Hi, yes that seems to be the case with a lot of lumps so I'm expecting to need an mri too. Do you have any other symptoms? My whole side feels achey and like there is a trapped nerve. I hate this wait x

  • Yeah I guess it's similar. My left leg gets painful and weird sensations like it's heavy, sometimes pins and needles. But doctor said whatever it is it could just be pressing on a nerve?x 

  • Hi Lauren

    i wondered how have you got on and what your results have shown? Finding myself in a similar situation, have been waiting long 3 months for answers and it's excruciating.

  • Hi Keepingittogether and welcome to the forum.

    I just wanted to stop by as I noticed you were hoping to hear back from LaurenW_3.

    I've had a look at their profile and can see they haven't signed in since July last year so there's a chance you may not get a reply.

    I really hope that won't be the case but if you don't get a response then you could try starting your own discussion about this. You can find out how just here.

    I hope this helps and that you won't be waiting too much longer to get some answers and much needed peace of mind.

    Kind regards,

    Steph, Cancer Chat Moderator