Urgent Breast Clinic Referral

Hi everyone,


Recently, I discovered some lumpy swelling above my left breast, accompanied with pain that radiates into my shoulder. The pain has subsided a bit, however I now have a dull, achy, persistent pain in the side of my left breast beside my armpit. My breasts are quite lumpy, and so I can't differentiate between what is, and what isn't abnormal.


I went to see my GP on Monday, who was concerned about this area above my breast. He said he was putting through an urgent referral, "otherwise it could be months before you're seen." The pain in the side of my left breast started after this appointment. I can't help but think the worst, I have health anxiety and this has made it escalate so much. For context, I'm 25 years old and have no history of BC in my family. I have swollen lymph nodes (size of little peas) around my chest and above both breasts, and my right breast has little pains going through it now but only occasionally, in the same spot as on the left. My GP has prescribed me with clarithromycin and ibuprofen, although I can't tell if they're helping or not - no significant changes so far.


I realise it may turn out to be benign, however the signs aren't pointing to many benign breast conditions from what I've seen. I'm worried sick and can't stop crying, I can barely eat nor sleep with worry and it's a horrible, horrible feeling.


Has anyone had a similar experience to mine? I really need someone to talk to, or some reassurance. I know nobody can diagnose me here, I just really needed to vent how I'm feeling.


Thank you in advance xxx

  • Hello! Thank you, I've calmed down a bit since the referral was put through but still on edge - I hope you're well. I still haven't received my referral letter for the breast clinic, and so I'm going to call my GP this week so I can get booked in for a nurse specialist at my health centre to take a look at me (my GP said he would get an appointment for me if the referral took longer than 2 weeks to come through.) 

    The wait is definitely very difficult, it's so easy to overthink what it could be. Hoping that my referral comes through soon for my appointment, I hope that you get good news when you go for your appointment. Thanks so much, best of luck at your appointment too xx

  • Hi,

    I know this was a while ago so apologies- but just wanted to check how you got on?? I have the exact same symptoms and am extremely worried. 

    All the best x