Urgent Breast Clinic Referral

Hi everyone,


Recently, I discovered some lumpy swelling above my left breast, accompanied with pain that radiates into my shoulder. The pain has subsided a bit, however I now have a dull, achy, persistent pain in the side of my left breast beside my armpit. My breasts are quite lumpy, and so I can't differentiate between what is, and what isn't abnormal.


I went to see my GP on Monday, who was concerned about this area above my breast. He said he was putting through an urgent referral, "otherwise it could be months before you're seen." The pain in the side of my left breast started after this appointment. I can't help but think the worst, I have health anxiety and this has made it escalate so much. For context, I'm 25 years old and have no history of BC in my family. I have swollen lymph nodes (size of little peas) around my chest and above both breasts, and my right breast has little pains going through it now but only occasionally, in the same spot as on the left. My GP has prescribed me with clarithromycin and ibuprofen, although I can't tell if they're helping or not - no significant changes so far.


I realise it may turn out to be benign, however the signs aren't pointing to many benign breast conditions from what I've seen. I'm worried sick and can't stop crying, I can barely eat nor sleep with worry and it's a horrible, horrible feeling.


Has anyone had a similar experience to mine? I really need someone to talk to, or some reassurance. I know nobody can diagnose me here, I just really needed to vent how I'm feeling.


Thank you in advance xxx

  • This is reassuring to hear, when I directed my GP to where the two lumps below my collarbone were and the lump beside my armpit, he said he was "less concerned" about the lumps under my collarbone. Then, when he followed it up with "urgent referral", it put me in a state of panic. It's good that you've gotten appointments for the above so quickly, I hope all is well for you. Thank you x

  • Wishing you the best of luck for your appointment, it's so easy to overthink what your symptoms might mean but specific symptoms don't always point to just one thing - this is something I'm reminding myself of when I get overwhelmed about this. Being very stressed and exerting yourself can cause tiredness / nausea too if you're feeling anxious, especially if it's really playing on your mind - I know this is something I deal with, and while I can't say it's because of this or that, please try not to read too far into things or you'll end up down a rabbit hole like I have!! The wait to be seen / get results is excruciating isn't it :( I will do, thank you - let me know how you get on lovely, I'll keep my fingers crossed for you xx

  • Thank you so much! I wish you the best of luck too and I'll have my fingers crossed! Yes I will let you know! Please let me know too Xx

  • So I got my results yesterday and unfortunately I have breast cancer, but they think it has been found early and it is very treatable but I've got a tough few months ahead of me x

  • I'm so sorry to hear about your diagnosis Sarah, wishing you all the best for your treatment. Glad to hear that it's very treatable xx

  • Thank you. Got my fingers crossed everything is okay for you x

  • Thank you, I will do! Just hoping I get my appointment letter through soon, it will have been two weeks tomorrow since my GP put the referral through xx

  • Thank you Sarah, it means a lot. Take care xx

  • Small update: I spoke with my GP on Friday as I'm worried sick about everything, and I asked him what he thought it could be (I know he couldn't give me a diagnosis, but I thought I'd ask for potentially some peace of mind.) He said it's possible that it's some mixed dense tissue (?), a cyst (it doesn't particularly feel like what a cyst is meant to), or something hormonal. He said that if I don't hear from the breast clinic in the next week or two, I can contact him and he will set up an appointment for me to see a nurse specialist at my health clinic.

    I feel like I have far too much going on health-wise, I also have an appointment next Tuesday with ENT as I have lumps in my nose and discomfort in my throat (but that's a whole other story).

    My GP said that my chances of having the big C, so young with no family history of breast C, are extremely low, but I won't be able to settle until I've been examined and had tests done at the breast clinic. It feels nightmarish living in uncertainty and fear because I don't know what's going on inside my body.

  • Hi! 

    I hope you are doing well. It feels like I could have written this myself, I am 24 and am experiencing the same symptoms. I am also waiting for my appointment at the breast clinic which is in 2 and a half weeks. I share your nerves, the waiting is horrible. 

    I was wondering if you had heard anymore news? 

    wishing you the best of luck at your appointment x